现工作于中科院上海技术物理研究所红外物理国家重点实验室。中国青年科技奖、英国Royal Society-Newton Advanced Fellowship、上海市优秀学术带头人、上海青年科技英才、中科院卓越青年科学家、上海市青年科技“启明星”、中科院卢嘉锡青年人才奖、中科院院长优秀奖、中科院上海分院系统杰出青年奖等人才计划和奖励获得者
红外探测器、人工微纳结构红外探测器 (Infrared photodetectors, Infrared photodetectors with Micro- & Nano- Structures)
红外焦平面探测器 (Infrared focal-plane-array (FPA) photodetectors)
光电探测器 (Photodetectors, phototransistors, and photodiodes)
Dr. Wenjin Luo's paper on Room-temperature single-photon detector based on single nanowire was accepted by Nano Letters.
Prof. Weida Hu's invited review paper on Progress, challenges, and opportunities for two dimensional materials based photodetectors was accepted by Advanced Functional Materials.
Dr. Dingshan Zheng and Hehai Fang 's paper on High-Performance Near-Infrared Photodetectors Based on p-Type SnS Nanowires was accepted by ACS Nano.
Dr. Tiefeng Yang and Zhen Wang 's paper on Van der Waals epitaxial growth and optoelectronics of large-scale vertical bilayer p–n junctions was accepted by Nature Communications.
Professor Weida Hu was selected in the 2017 Royal Society-Newton Advanced Fellowship (英国皇家学会牛顿高级学者计划)
Prof. Weida Hu's invited review paper on Photogating in Low Dimensional Photodetectors was accepted by Advanced Science.
Professor Weida Hu was selected in the 2017 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (国家杰出青年基金).
Dr. Zhenyi Ni's paper on Plasmonic Silicon Quantum Dots Enabled High-Sensitivity Ultra-Broadband Photodetection of Graphene-Based Hybrid Phototransistors was accepted by ACS Nano.
Dr. Mingsheng Long's paper on Mid-infrared photodetectors based on black arsenic phosphorus was accepted by Science Advances.
Prof. Weida Hu's invited review paper on Recent Progress on Localized Field Enhanced Two-dimensional Material Photodetectors from Ultraviolet, Visible to Infrared was accepted by Small.
Dr. Yantao Li's paper on Mapping of dry etch damage for long wavelength HgCdTe infrared detector was accepted by Optics Letters.
Dr. Sichao Du's paper on Broadband Fluorographene Photodetector was accepted by Advanced Materials.
Dr. Peng Wang's paper on Arrayed van der Waals broadband detectors for dual band detection was accepted by Advanced Materials.
Dr. Dingshan Zhen's paper on Ferroelectric polymer side-gated nanowire photodetectors was accepted by Advanced Functional Materials.
Dr. Hehai Fang's paper on High-performance mid-infrared InAs nanowire photodetectors was accepted by Nono Letters.
Dr. Nan Guo's paper on Infrared imaging with graphene photodetectors at room temperature was accepted by Nonoscale.
Dr. Peng Wang's paper on Ambipolar Polarization-Sensitive Photodetectors Based on Anisotropy ReSe2 was accepted by ACS Nano.
Dr. Fan Gong's paper on Floating-Gate Phototransistors Based on 2D Materials was accepted by Advanced Functional Materials.
Dr. Dingshan Zheng's paper on Ferroelectric-field enhanced full-depleted nanowire photodetectors was accepted by Nano Letters.
Dr. Mingsheng Long's paper on Photovoltaic detectors based on atomically thin heterostructure was accepted by Nano Letters.
Dr. Weicheng Qiu's paper on 12.5μm long-wavelength HgCdTe infrared photodiode arrays was accepted by Optics Letters.
Dr. Xudong Wang's paper on Ultrasensitive MoS2 photodetector driven by ferroelectrics was accepted by Advanced Materials.
Professor Weida Hu was elected as the Associate Editor of Infrared Physics & Technology (Elsevier, SCI Impact factor 1.851) .