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2006/09 – 2011/04,德国柏林工业大学,化学系,博士研究生 2003/09 – 2006/06,南开大学,化学系,硕士研究生 1999/09 – 2003/06,南开大学,化学系,本科生 2011/09 –2014/12,南开大学,化学系,讲师 2014/12 –2019/12,南开大学,化学系,副教授 2017/01 –今,南开大学,化学系,博士生导师 2019/12 –今,南开大学,化学系,教授 荣誉和奖励 2019年,教育部高层次人才计划青年学者 2017年,天津市青年拔尖人才 2016年,天津市青年科技优秀人才




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

Niu, Zheng,Fang, Sheng,Liu, Xiao,Ma, Jian-Gong(*),Ma, Shengqian(*),Cheng, Peng,Coordination-Driven Polymerization of Supramolecular Nanocages,Journal of the American Chemical Society,2015,137(47):14873-14876。 Liu, Xiao-Huan,Ma, Jian-Gong(*),Niu, Zheng,Yang, Guang-Ming,Cheng, Peng(*),An efficient nanoscale heterogeneous catalyst for the capture and conversion of carbon dioxide at ambient pressure,Angewandte Chemie International Edition,2015,54(3):988-991。 Wu, Xiao-Qin,Ma, Jian-Gong(*),Li, Han,Chen, Di-Ming,Gu, Wen,Yang, Guang-Ming,Cheng, Peng(*),Metal-organic framework biosensor with high stability and selectivity in a bio-mimic environment,Chemical Communications,2015,51(44):9161-9164。 Niu, Zheng,Fang, Sheng,Ma, Jian-Gong(*),Zhang, Xiao-Ping,Cheng, Peng(*),Enhancement of adsorption selectivity for MOFs under mild activation and regeneration conditions,Chemical Communications,2014,50(58):7797-7799。 Ning-Ning Zhu, Xiao-Huan Liu, Tao Li, Ma, Jian-Gong(*), Peng Cheng and Guang-Ming Yang, Composite System of Ag Nanoparticles and Metal–Organic Frameworks for the Capture and Conversion of Carbon Dioxide under Mild Conditions, Inorganic Chemistry,2017,56(7):3414–3420。 Yin, Yan-Yan,Zhao, Yan-Li,Ma, Jian-Gong(*),Cao, Xiao-Chang,Cheng, Peng(*),Synthesis and Chirality Control of Bulk Crystals and Nanocrystals: From a Right-Handed Nonpolar Chain to a Left-Handed Polar Chain,Inorganic Chemistry,2013,52(7):3738-3743.
