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Education BS, Engineering Mechanics, 1994 MS, Engineering Mechanics, 1997 Ph D, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2002


Advanced Materials and Devices, Applied Mechanics and Biomechanics, Energy Infrastructure, Storage and Devices, Multiscale and Multiphysics Modeling, Computational Analysis, Nanoscience, Bionanoscience and Engineering


查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

GuangZhu Zhang, Baoyan Fan, Peng Zhao, Zhaoyao Hu, Sulin Zhang, Honglang Li and Qing Wang, 2018, "Ferroelectric Polymer Nanocomposites with Complementary Nanostructured Fillers for Electrocaloric Cooling with High Power Density and Great Efficiency", ACS Applied Energy Materials Zhao, 2017, "Active nonlinear cell-matrix coupling regulates the traction force landscapes of epithelial monolayers", NPJ Computational Materials Sulin Zhang, 2017, "Self-cleaning by harnessing wrinkles in two-dimensional layered crystals", Nanoscale Megan Nearnley, Chu Trang, Yao Zhang, Sulin Zhang, Leann Tilley and Matthew Dixon, 2017, "REVERSIBLE HOST CELL REMODELING UNDERPINS DEFORMABILITY CHANGES IN MALARIA PARASITE SEXUAL BLOOD STAGES.", AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE Ke Cao and Sulin Zhang, 2017, "In situ tem investigation on ultrafast reversible lithiation and delithiation cycling of Sn@ C yolk-shell nanoparticles as anodes for lithium ion batteries", Nano Energy Tianwu Chen, H. Yang, J. Li and S.L. Zhang, 2017, "Mechanics of Electrochemically Driven Mechanical Energy Harvesting", Extreme Mechanics Letters Sulin Zhang, 2017, "Chemomechanical Modeling of Lithiation-induced Failure in high-volume-change electrode materials for lithium ion batteries", NPJ Computational Materials, 3, pp. 7 Leann Tilley, Boyin Liu, Oliver Looker, Eric Hanssen, Sulin Zhang and Matthew Dixon, 2017, "Measuring and Modelling Host Cell Subversion by the Malaria Parasite", Biophysical Journal Alireza Ostadhossein, Ali Rahnamoun, Yuanxi Wang, Peng Zhao, Sulin Zhang, Vincent Crespi and Adri van Duin, 2017, "ReaxFF Reactive Force-Field Study of Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2)", The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters Tianwu Chen, Peng Zhao, Xu Guo and Sulin Zhang, 2017, "Two-Fold Anisotropy Governs Morphological Evolution and Stress Generation in Sodiated Black Phosphorus for Sodium Ion Batteries", Nano Letters, 17, pp. 8 S. Kim, S. J. Choi, K. J. Zhao, H. Yang, G. , S.L. Zhang and J. Li, 2016, "Electrochemically Driven Mechanical Energy Harvesting" S. L. Zhang, H. J. Gao and G. Bao, 2015, "Physical principles of nanoparticle cellular endocytosis", ACS Nano C. J. Huang, Q. Ozdemir, L. C. Xu, P. J. Butler, C. A. Siedlecki, J. L. Brown and S. L. Zhang, 2015, "Roles of substrate topography on the cellular uptake of nanoparticles", Journal of Biomedical Research, Part B, 5
