Dr. Marcel Pinheiro's focus is zoology of the invertebrates, primarily benthic invertebrates and those that carry out a parasitic lifestyle. His undergraduate teaching focuses on exposing students to the diversity of eukaryotes, both single- and multi-celled, and striving to provide students with the chance to encounter these organisms in the field. Further, Dr. Pinheiro utilizes various technologies to enhance student engagement and writing in his classroom – at all years of study.
Invertebrate Zoology
Diversity of the ciliates
Technology to enhance student engagement
International Society of Protistologists
Canadian Society of Zoologists
American Society for Parasitologists
2013 PhD Biology, University of Waterloo
2007 MSc Biology, University of Waterloo
2005 BSc Biology, University of Waterloo
Dr. Pinheiro is currently not active in research, but serves on graduate student advisory committees, and regularly provides peer review for several journals. Dr. Pinheiro's past research centred on the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, used as a tool for toxicology, in interactions with bacterial and animal viruses, and how these organisms may function as parasites of fish.
Pinheiro, M.D.O. and Bols, N.C. (2015) Some but not all Tetrahymena species destroy monolayer cultures of cells from a wide range of tissues and species. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 62(5):605-613. Doi:10.1111/jeu.12214
Pinheiro, M.D.O. and Bols, N.C. (2014) Delineating cellular interaction between ciliates and fish by co-culturing Tetrahymena thermophila with fish cells. Cell Biology International, 38(10):1138-1147. DOI: 10.1002/cbin.10310
Pinheiro, M.D.O. and Bols, N.C. (2013) Use of cell cultures to study the interactions of ciliates with fish. Springer Science Reviews, 1:95-113. doi:10.1007/s40362-013-0008-5.
Pinheiro, M.D.O., Yu, X., Zhao, Y., and Bols, N.C. (2014) Survival and growth of Tetrahymena thermophila in media that are conventionally used for piscine and mammalian cells. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 61(1):17-26. doi:10.1111/jeu.12082.
St Denis, C.H., Pinheiro, M.D.O., Power, M.E., and Bols, N.C. (2010) Effect of salt and urban water samples on bacterivory by the ciliate, Tetrahymena thermophila. Environmental Pollution 158: 502-507.