BSc Queen's University
PhD University of Toronto
Dr. Findlay’s current research program has five components: (1) developing and testing predictive models of ecosystem response to anthropogenic stress; (2) developing and testing mathematical models of the evolution of resistance in cancer; (3) developing and applying methods for assessing scientific weight of evidence in environmental and biomedical sciences, particularly with respect to environmental contaminants and cancer therapeutics; (4) operationalizing general decision principles (e.g. the precautionary principle) for decision-making under high scientific uncertainty; and (5) integrating traditional and scientific knowledge systems in environmental and human health risk assessment.
Regression and cross-validated holographic neural networks. Ecological Modelling (in press).
Findlay, C.S., J. Bourdages and L. Zheng. Lagged response of wetland biodiversity to road construction on adjacent lands. Conservation Biology (in press).
Findlay, C.S. and L. Zheng. 1997. Determining characteristic scales for ecosystem monitoring and assessment. J. Environ. Managem. 50: 265-281.
Findlay, C.S. and J. Houlahan. 1997. Anthropogenic correlates of biodiversity in southeastern Ontario wetlands. Conversation Biology 11: 1000-1009.
Chapleau, F., Findlay, C.S. and E. Szenasy. 1997. Impact of piscivorous fish introductions on fish species richness of small lakes in Gatineau Park, Québec. EcoScience 4: 259-268.