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Dr. Lisheng WANG is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Immunology at University of Ottawa, a Core Member at the Ottawa Institute of Systems Biology, and an Affiliated Investigator at the Ottawa Health Research Institute. He graduated from Medical School in China and received his clinical training as a Fellow in Australian National Liver Transplantation Unit. Dr. Wang completed a PhD at the University of Sydney (Australia) studying the transplantation immunology. He then pursued postdoctoral research in immunology at Harvard Medical School, USA, and further postdoctoral research in stem cell biology and regenerative medicine at Robarts Research Institute, Canada.


Using cellular and molecular approaches and in vivo animal models, Dr. Wang’s laboratory is interested in: Nurturing human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) into mothers of circulatory cells and immune cells, generating transplantable cells for stem cell-based clinic therapy and reducing transplantation rejection; Targeting embryonic signaling pathways in cancer for more effective treatment. hESCs can theoretically divide without limit (termed self-renewal) and grow into almost any type of cell (termed pluripotency), raising attractive prospect of cell replacement therapy to treat or even cure many diseases. Maintenance and differentiation of hESCs are challenging. Using rigorous criteria, Dr. Wang's laboratory has established and improved the techniques to expand, freeze-thaw, maintain, evaluate and differentiate hESCs. Dr. Wang and his colleagues have defined mother cells of endothelium (lining cells in circulatory vessels) and blood during differentiation of hESCs. These mother cells can give rise to either endothelium or blood under different biochemical signals. Further studies have shown that hESC-derived blood cells have repopulating capacity in immunodeficient mice (blood stem cell property). These findings have set up a foundation for future studies.


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Deyong Jia, Yuan Tan, Huijuan Liu, Sarah Ooi, Li Li, Kathryn Wright, Steffany Bennett, Christina L. Addison, Lisheng Wang. Cardamonin reduces chemotherapy-enriched breast cancer stem-like cells in vitro and in vivo. Oncotarget 2015 DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.5819. Yuan Tan, Bodour AlKhamees1, Deyong Jia, Li Li, Jean-François Couture, Daniel Figeys, Masahisa Jinushi*, Lisheng Wang * (*corresponding authors). MFG-E8 is critical for embryonic stem cell-mediated T cell immunomodulation. Stem Cell Reports 2015; 5: 741–752. Deyong Jia, Weixia Yang, Li Li, Huijuan Liu, Yuan Tan, Sarah Ooi, Lingyi Chi, Lionel G. Filion, Daniel Figeys, Wang L. β-catenin and NF-κB co-activation triggered by TLR3 stimulation facilitates stem cell-like phenotypes in breast cancer. Cell Death and Differentiation 2015 Feb; 22(2):298-310. doi:10.1038/cdd.2014.145.Epub 2014 Sep 26 Huang T, Li L, Moalim-Nour L, Jia D, Jian B, Yao, Z, Bennett S, Figeys D, Wang L. A regulatory network involving β-catenin, E-cadherin, PI3K/Akt, and Slug balances self-renewal and differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells in response to Wnt signaling. Stem Cells 2014 Dec 23. doi:10.1002/stem.1944 [Epub ahead of print]. Tan Y, Ooi S, Wang L. Immunogenicity and tumorigenicity of pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives: genetic and epigenetic perspectives. Curr Stem Cell Res Ther. 2014 Jan;9(1):63-72. Review. Mohib K, Wang L. Differentiation and characterization of dendritic cells from human embryonic stem cells. Current Protocol in Immunology 2012; Chapter 22:Unit 22F 11 Mohib K, AlKhamees B, Mostafa Haggag Salah Zein, Allan D, Wang L. Embryonic stem cell-derived factors inhibit T effector activation and induce T regulatory cells by modulating PKC-θ activation. PLoS ONE 2012: 7(3): e32420 Tian R#, Wang S# (#equal contribution), Elisma F, Li L, Zhou H, Wang L*, Figeys D* (*correspondence authors). Rare Cell Proteomic Reactor Applied to Stable Isotope Labeling by Amino Acids in Cell Culture (SILAC)-based Quantitative Proteomics Study of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation (1.67 MB). Mol Cell Proteomics. 2011 Feb;10(2):M110.000679. Epub 2010 Jun 8 Mohib K, Allan D, Wang L. Human embryonic stem cell-extracts inhibit the differentiation and function of monocyte-derived dendritic cells (382 KB). (Original research article) Stem Cell Rev. 2010 Dec; 6(4):611-21 Li L#, Wang S#, Jezierski A# (# equal contribution), Moalim-Nour L, Mohib K, Parks RJ, Francesco Retta S, Wang L. A unique interplay between Rap1 and E-cadherin in the endocytic pathway regulates self-renewal of human embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 2010; 28: 247-257 (Top downloaded articles in Stem Cells in February 2010) Li L, Wang BH, Wang S, Moalim-Nour L, Mohib K, Lohnes D, Wang L. Individual cell movement, asymmetric colony expansion, Rho-associated kinase and E-cadherin impact the clonogenic assay of human embryonic stem cells (1.05 MB). Biophysical Journal2010; 98: 2442-2551 (Featured article). Zhong S, Magnolo AL, Sundaram M, Zhou H, Yao EF, Leo ED, Loria P, Wang S, Bamji-Mirza M, Wang L, McKnight J, Figeys D, Wang Y, Tarugi P, and Yao Z. Nonsynonymous mutations within APOB in human hypobetalipoproteinemia: Evidence for feedback inhibition of lipogenesis and post-endoplasmic reticulum degradation of apolipoprotein B. J Biol Chem 2009; Dec 23: PMID: 20032471 (Epub ahead of print). Wang L. Endothelial and hematopoietic cell fate of human embryonic stem cells. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine (176 KB). 2006; 16:89-94. Menendez P, Bueno C, Wang L. Human embryonic stem cells: A journey beyond cell replacement therapies. Cytotherapy. 2006; 8(6):530-41. Cerdan C, Bendall SC, Wang L, Stewart M, Werbowetski T, Bhatia M. Complement targeting of nonhuman sialic acid does not mediate cell death of human ESCs. Nature Medicine 2006; 12: 1113-1114. Wang L*, Menendé P* (*equal contribution), Shojaei F, Li L, Mazurier F, Dick JE, Cerdan C, Levac K, Bhatia M. Generation of hematopoietic repopulating cells from human embryonic stem cells independent of ectopic HoxB4 expression. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2005; 201: 1603-1614 Wang L, Li L, Menendez P, Cerdan C, Goodale D, Bhatia M. Human embryonic stem cells maintained in the absence of mouse embryonic fibroblasts or conditioned media are capable of hematopoietic development. Blood 2005; 105: 4598-4603. Roura-Mir C*, Wang L* (* equal contribution), Cheng TC, Matsunaga I, Dascher C, Peng S, Fenton MJ, Moody DB. M. tuberculosis regulates CD1 antigen presentation pathways through TLR-2. Journal of Immunology2005; 175:1758-1766. Wang L, Menendez P, Cerdan C, Bhatia M. Hematopoietic cells from human embryonic stem cells. Experimental Hematology (Review) 2005; 33:987-96 Menendez P, Bueno C, Wang L, Bhatia M. Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Potential tool towards achieving immunotolerance? Stem Cell Reviews 2005; 1: 151-158.. Menendez P, Wang L, Bhatia M. Genetic manipulation of human embryonic stem cells: a powerful approach for studies in human development and potential therapeutic applications. Current Gene Therapy (Review) 2005; 5: 375-85. Wang L, Li L, Shojaei F, Levac K,Cerdan C,Menendez P, Martin T, Rouleau A, Bhatia M. Endothelial and hematopoietic cell fate of human embryonic stem cells originates from primitive endothelium with hemangioblastic properties. Immunity 2004; 21: 31-41. Menendez P, Wang L, Chadwick K, Li L & Mickie Bhatia. Retroviral transduction of hematopoietic cells differentiated from human embryonic stem cell-derived CD45 negPFV hemogenic precursors. Molecular Therapy 2004; 10: 1109-1120. Chadwick K*, Wang L* (*equal contribution), Li L, Menendez P, Murdoch B, Rouleau A, Bhatia M. Cytokines and BMP-4 promote hematopoietic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells. Blood 2003; 102: 906-915. (Comment) in Blood 2003; 102: 776. Kamath A, Wang L, Das H, Lin L, Reinhold VN, Bukowski JF. Tea Drinking Enhances Immunity to Microbial Antigens by Priming gd T Cells in vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A.2003; 100: 6009-6014.
