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Environmental & Geochemistry

My research in biogeochemistry focuses on how geochemical, microbial, and anthropogenic processes affect the dynamic linked elemental cycles in modern, and paleo-environments. A variety of field- and laboratory-based techniques are applied to investigate the processes and feedbacks that promote and/or limit the transfer of elements (i.e., C, N, and P) and energy between different geological pools; including living and non-living organic matter as well as various inorganic reservoirs. These studies require investigations of mechanisms that operate on time scales from days to millenia. The main goal is to gain a better understanding of the interactions between the physical, chemical and biological processes that control the distributions of these climatically important elements and how they change through time. Current research projects include: the characterization of dissolved organic matter in aquatic and marine systems, and investigation of the bioavailability and reactivity of dissolved organic compounds in natural waters. State-of-the-art analytical approaches are used to quantify and characterize organic matter in a broad range of natural systems (i.e., marine, aquatic and terrestrial), including the development of novel mass-spectrometric techniques for identifying and quantifying natural organic compounds. Ultimately this research seeks to develop more a mechanistic understanding of biogeochemical processes and how they relate to global scale patterns. Some of my earlier research involved investigating the complex controls on organic carbon preservation in aerobic and anaerobic marine systems, development of a probe-inlet for MIMS analysis of atmospheric gases to measure microbial oxidation rates (e.g., oxygen consumption and denitrification) in sediments, and the chemical characterization of rainwater DOM.


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"Distribution of ether lipids and composition of the archaeal community in terrestrial geothermal springs: Impact of environmental variables," Xie, W., C.L. Zhang, J. Wang, Y. Chen, Y. Zhu, J. de la Torre, H. Dong, H.E. Hartnett, B.P. Hedlund, M.G. Klotz, Environmental Microbiology in press (2014) "Hydrothermal Photochemistry as a Mechanistic Tool in Organic Geochemistry: The Chemistry of Dibenzylketone," Z. Yang, E.D. Lorance, C. Bockish, L.B. Williams, H.E. Hartnett, E.L. Shock, I.R. Gould, J. Org. Chemistry in press (2014) "Harsh environment sensor array-enabled hot spring mapping," Oiler, J., E. Shock, H. Hartnett, A. Dombard, H. Yu, IEEE Sensors Journal in press (2014) "Sphalerite is a geochemical catalyst for carbon-hydrogen bond activation," Shipp, J., I. Gould, L. Williams, E. Shock, and H.E. Hartnett, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 111 11642-11645 (2014) "Composition and flux of explosive gas release at LUSI mud volcano (East Java, Indonesia)," Vanderkluysen, L., H.E. Hartnett, A.B. Clarke, J.-F. Smekens, M.R. Burton, Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 15 doi:10.1002/2014GC005275. (2014) "Molybdenum geochemistry in a seasonally dysoxic Mo-limited lacustrine ecosystem," Glass, J.B., A. Chappaz, B. Eustis, A.C. Heyvaert, D. Waetjen, H.E. Hartnett, A.D. Anbar, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 114 204-219 (2013) "Bioavailability of Nanoparticulate Hematite to Arabidopsis thaliana.," Y. Marusenko, Shipp, J., G. A. Hamilton, J. L. Morgan, M. Keebaugh, H. Hill, A. Dutta, X. Zhou, N. Upadhyay, J. Hutchings, P. Herckes, A. Anbar, E. Shock, H.E. Hartnett, Environmental Pollution 174 150-156 (2013) "A comprehensive census of microbial diversity on hot springs of Tengchong, Yunnan Province, China using 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing," Hou, W., S. Wang, H. Dong, H. Jiang, B. Briggs, J. Peacock, Q. Huang, L. Huang, G. Wu, X. Zhi, W. Li, J. Dodsworth, B. Headlund, C. Zhang, H. Hartnett, P. Dijkstra, B. Hungate, PLOS One 8 e53350 (2013) "Reversibility, reactivity and reaction mechanisms for organic reactions under hydrothermal conditions," Shipp, J., I. Gould, H.E. Hartnett, L. Williams, and E. Shock, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 104 194-209 (2013) "Black carbon concentration and isotopic composition in urban-desert soils," G. A. Hamilton and H.E. Hartnett, Organic Geochemistry 59 87-94 (2013) "Sequential oxidations of thiolates and the cobalt metallocenter in a synthetic metallopeptide: Implications for the biosynthesis of nitrile hydratase," Dutta, A., M. Flores, S. Roy, J. Schmitt, G.A. Hamilton, H.E. Hartnett, A.K. Jones, Inorganic Chemistry 52 5236-5245 (2013) "The central role of ketones in reversible and irreversible organic functional group transformations.," Z. Yang, I. Gould, L. Williams, H.E. Hartnett, E. Shock, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 98 48-65 (2012) "Modeling [NiFe]-hydrogenase: development of a synthetic methodology for construction of heterometallic complexes in a peptide scaffold," A. Dutta, G. Hamilton, H.E. Hartnett, A.K. Jones, Inorganic Chemistry dx.doi.org/10.1021/ic2026818 (2012) "Evidence for high-temperature in situ nifH transcription in an alkaline hot spring of Lower Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park," S. Loaicono, D. Meyer-Dombard, J. Havig, A. Poret-Peterson, H.E. Hartnett, E. Shock, Environmental Microbiology 14 1272-1283 (2012) "Korarchaeota diversity, biogeography, and abundance in Yellowstone and Great Basin hot springs and prediction of Korarchaeota-permissive springs based on machine learning," R. Miller-Coleman, C. Ross, J. Dodsworth, E. Shock, H.E. Hartnett, A. McDonald, B. Hedlund, PLoS ONE 7 e35964 (2012) "Birth of biomolecules from the warm wet sheets of clays near spreading centers," L. Williams, J. Holloway, B. Canfield, C. Glein, H. Hartnett, J. Dick, E. Shock, IN: Earliest Life on Earth: Habitats Environments and Methods of Detection (2011) "Artificial [FeFe] hydrogenase: On resin modification of an amino aid to anchor a diiron-hexacarbonyl cluster in a peptide framework," S. Roy, S. Shinde, G. Hamilton, H. Hartnett, A. Jones , European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 7 1050-1055 (2011) "Twelve testable hypotheses on the geobiology of weathering," S. Brantley, P. Megonigal, F. Scatena, Balogh-Brunstad A., R. Barnes, M. Bruns, P. van Cappellen, K. Dontsova, H. Hartnett, T. Hartshorn, A. Heimsath, B. Herndon, L. Jin, K. Keller, J. Leake, B. McDowell, R. Meinzer, T. Mozdzer, S. Petsch, J. Pett-Ridge, K. Pregitzer, P. Raymond, C. Riebe, K. Shumaker, A. Sutton-Greir, R. Walter, and K. Yoo , Geobiology. 9(2) 140-165 (2011) "Effects of biological soil crusts on soil elemental concentrations: implications for biogeochemistry and as traceable biosignatures of ancient life on land," H. Beraldi-Campesi, H.E. Hartnett, A.D. Anbar, G. Gordon, F. Garcia-Pichel, Geobiology 348-359 (2009) "Influence of seasonal phytodetritus deposition on biogenic silica dissolution in marine sediments—Potential effects on preservation ," M. Gallinari, O. Ragueneau, D.J. DeMaster, H. Hartnett, D. Rickert and C. Thomas, Deep-Sea Research 55 2451-2464 (2008) "Benthic oxygen fluxes and denitrification rates from high-resolution porewater profiles from the Western Antarctic Peninsula Continental Shelf," H.E. Hartnett, S. Boehme, C. Thomas, D. DeMaster and C. Smith, Deep-Sea Research 55 2415-2424 (2008) "Molecular-level chemical characterization and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in stream water using electrospray-ionization mass spectrometry," S.P. Seitzinger, H.E. Hartnett, R.J. Lauck, M. Mazurek. T. Minegishi, G. Spyres and R. Styles, Limnology and Oceanography 50 1-12 (2005) "High-resolution nitrogen gas profiles in sediment porewaters using a new probe for membrane-inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS).," H.E. Hartnett and S.P. Seitzinger, Marine Chemistry 83 (1-2) 23-30 (2003) "Role of a strong oxygen deficient zone in the preservation and degradation of organic matter: a carbon budget for the continental margins of NW Mexico and Washington State," H.E. Hartnett and A.H. Devol, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67 (2) 247-264 (2003) "Role of the oxygen minimum zone in transfer of organic carbon to the deep ocean," A.H. Devol and H.E. Hartnett, Limnology and Oceanography 46 (7) 1684-1690 (2001) "Influence of oxygen exposure time on the preservation of organic carbon in continental margin sediments," H.E. Hartnett, R.G. Keil, J.I. Hedges and A.H. Devol, Nature 391 572-574 (1998)
