Atomistic simulation of alloy corrosion
Stress corrosion cracking in nuclear power systems
Studies of the film-induced cleavage phenomenon in metals
Monitoring of nuclear waste storage systems
New alloys for advanced nuclear power systems
Sulfur chemistry and corrosion
Composite nanoporous metals for biomedical and other applications
Corrosion and Protection of Metals
Corrosion is not only one of the most costly forms of material degradation – it also offers a fertile area of interdisciplinary research, and can even be harnessed to make useful products such as metallic nanostructures.
A particular concern is the mechanical rupture of components due to stress corrosion cracking – the slow growth of cracks in a reactive environment. Stress corrosion failure is at the core of safety and risk analyses in several industries, including nuclear power generation. By understanding corrosion and stress corrosion mechanisms at the microscopic scale, not only can corrosion problems be mitigated, but insights can be obtained that are relevant to surprisingly remote areas of science and technology.
The main fundamental research theme of the group is the role of alloying elements in the corrosion performance of alloys. On one level, this is an atomistic issue. Computer simulation and advanced surface characterization are used to understand the dissolution, oxidation, and motion (by surface diffusion) of particular elements. Electrochemical techniques play an essential role in monitoring the kinetics of metal dissolution across semi-protective surface layers consisting of less-reactive metals and/or oxides. Molecular adsorption can be used to further modify or probe events at the interface. Relevant timescales range from seconds, in the case of an event occurring at the tip of a crack, to thousands of years, in the case of alloys used for containment of high-level nuclear waste. Alongside these atomistic considerations lies the recognition that localized corrosion of metals is an autocatalytic or coupled reaction-transport process in which the dissolution products acidify the local solution. Thus modelling skills are required to elucidate stability criteria and morphology development in localized corrosion sites; the morphologies and patterns that form deterministically in such sites are surprisingly rich.
In parallel to this underlying research programme there is vigorous activity in support of the Canadian nuclear power industry. Issues in steam-generator corrosion, waste storage and reactor component performance are being defined and offered as student projects in collaboration with industrial partners. Other industries with current corrosion issues include pulp and paper, oil and gas, and automotive, amongst others. Recently we have developed an activity in the prediction and monitoring of corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete.
Curious nanoscale morphologies occur when elements are selectively dissolved (de-alloyed) from metallic alloys. Depending on the alloy system, the pore and ligament sizes in the resulting nanoporous structure may be stable at the 2-3 nm level, or may be coarsened in a controlled manner to hundreds or even thousands of nm, without losing the connectivity of the structure. Such materials have potential as membranes, templates, catalysts, sensor substrates, and high-surface-area electrodes, with applications in many areas such as biomedical technology, fuel cells, and filtration.
Sensor development is a natural extension of corrosion research, with common electrochemical themes. Work is proceeding on thin-film PEM-based hydrogen sensors, and sensors for deleterious metallurgical conditions in alloys, such as sigma phase in duplex stainless steels.
A.A. Vega and R.C. Newman, Nanoporous Metals Fabricated through Electrochemical Dealloying of Ag-Au-Pt with Systematic Variation of Au:Pt ratio, J. Electrochem. Soc., 161, C1-C10 (2014).
A.A. Vega and R.C. Newman, Beneficial Effects of Adsorbate-Induced Surface Segregation of Pt in Nanoporous Metals Fabricated by Dealloying of Ag-Au-Pt Alloys, J. Electrochem. Soc., 161, C11-C19 (2014).
N.S. McIntyre, J. Ulaganathan, T. Simpson, J. Qin, N. Sherry, M. Bauer, A. G. Carcea, R. C. Newman, M. Kunz, and N. Tamura, Mapping of Microscopic Strain Distributions in an Alloy 600 C-Ring after Application of Hoop Stresses and Stress Corrosion Cracking, Corrosion, 70, 66-73 (2014).
S.Y. Persaud, R.C. Newman, J. Huang, and G.A. Botton, Internal oxidation of Alloy 600 exposed to hydrogenated steam and the beneficial effects of thermal treatment, Corros. Sci., in press (2014).
Jaganathan Ulaganathan and Roger C. Newman, The Role of Local Strains from Cold Work on Stress Corrosion Cracking of a Brass in Mattsson’s Solution, Materials Characterization, 92, 127-137 (2014).
S.Y. Persaud, A.G. Carcea, J. Huang, A. Korinek, G.A. Botton, and R.C. Newman, Analytical Electron Microscopy of a Crack Tip Extracted from a Stressed Alloy 800 Sample Exposed to an Acid Sulfate Environment, Micron, 61, 62-69 (2014).
M.A. Domínguez-Aguilar, J. Ramírez Salgado, B. Castro-Domínguez, P. Hernández-Hernández, and R.C. Newman, Detection of Secondary Phases in Duplex Stainless Steel by Magnetic Force Microscopy and Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, Materials Characterization, 86, 250-262 (2013).
G. Williams, H.N. McMurray, and R.C. Newman, Surface oxide reduction by hydrogen permeation through iron foil detected using a scanning Kelvin probe, Electrochemistry Communications, 27, 144-147 (2013).
N. J. H. Holroyd, G. M. Scamans, R. C. Newman and A. K. Vasudevan, Corrosion and Stress Corrosion of Aluminium-Lithium Alloys, Aluminum-Lithium Alloys, Processing, Properties and Applications, eds N. Eswara Prasad, Amol A. Gokhale and R.J.H. Wanhill, Elsevier, 2013, pp 447-490.
J. Chao, M. Fuller, N. Sherry, J. Qin, N.S. McIntyre, J. Ulaganathan, A.G. Carcea, R.C. Newman, M. Kunz, and N. Tamura, Plastic and Elastic Strains in Short and Long Cracks in Alloy 600 Studied by Polychromatic X-ray Microdiffraction and Electron Backscatter Diffraction, Acta Materialia, 60, 5508-5515 (2012).
J. Chao, M. Fuller, N.S. McIntyre, A.G. Carcea, R.C.Newman, M. Kunz, and N. Tamura, The Study of Stress Application and Corrosion Cracking on Ni-16Cr-9Fe (Alloy 600) C-ring Samples by Polychromatic X-ray Microdiffraction, Acta Materialia, 60, 781-792 (2012).
J. Erlebacher, R.C. Newman, K. Sieradzki, Fundamental Physics and Chemistry of Nanoporosity Evolution During Dealloying, Nanoporous Gold, eds Arne Wittstock, Jürgen Biener, Jonah Erlebacher, Marcus Bäumer, pp 11-29, RSC (2012).
J. Ulaganathan, N.A. Senior and R.C. Newman, Improvement of Passivity of Fe-xCr Alloys (x < 10%) by Cycling through the Reactivation Potential, J. Appl. Electrochem., 41, 873-879 (2011).
A. G. Carcea, E. Yip, D.D. He and R.C. Newman, Anodic Kinetics of NiCr[Mo] Alloys During Localized Corrosion: I Diffusion-controlled dissolution, J. Electrochem Soc., 158, C215-C220 (2011).
R.C. Newman, Stress corrosion cracking mechanisms, Corrosion Mechanisms in Theory and Practice, ed. P. Marcus, 3rd edition, 2011, pp 499-544.
R.C. Newman and 13 others, Report of the Committee on Research Opportunities in Corrosion Science and Engineering, National Academies Press, Washington DC (2011), pp. 192
R.C. Newman and N.A. Senior, A revised interpretation of ultra-fast stress corrosion cracking experiments by Serebrinsky and Galvele, Corros. Sci., 52, 1541-1544 (2010).
J. Ulaganathan and R.C. Newman, Thermodynamic control of iron reactivation from the passive state in mild acid, Electrochem.Solid State Lett., 13, C13-C16 (2010).
R.C. Newman, Pitting corrosion of metals, The Electrochemical Society Interface, ECS Classics Redux Series, 19, 33-38 (2010).
R.C. Newman, Dealloying, Shreir’s Corrosion, 4th Edition, Vol. 2, pp 801-809, Elsevier (2010).
R.C. Newman, Stress Corrosion Cracking, Shreir’s Corrosion, 4th Edition, Vol. 2, pp 864-901, Elsevier (2010).
D.M. Artymowicz, R.C. Newman and J.D. Erlebacher, The relationship between the parting limit for de-alloying and a geometric high-density percolation threshold, Philos. Mag., 89, 1663-1693 (2009).
Jörg Weissmüller, Roger C. Newman, Hai-Jun Jin, Andrea M. Hodge and Jeffrey W. Kysar, Nanoporous metals by alloy corrosion: Formation and mechanical properties, MRS Bulletin, special issue, 34, 577-586 (2009).
A. Barnes, N.A. Senior and R.C. Newman, Film-induced cleavage of silver-gold alloys, Metall. Trans. A, 40, 58-68 (2009).
F. Scenini, R.C. Newman, R.A. Cottis and R.J. Jacko, Effect of surface preparation on intergranular stress corrosion cracking of Alloy 600 in hydrogenated steam, Corrosion, 64, 824-835 (2008).