Ph.D. Florida State University 1986
Cell Biology
Comparative Genomics
Developmental Biology
Functional Genomics
Molecular Biology
Plant Biology
My research programme focuses on developmental genetics, using Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. Forward and reverse genetic screens are employed to identify genes that act to control the partitioning of stem cells into new organ primordia. A battery of genetic, biochemical, cytological and genomics techniques are used to elucidate the function of these genes and to illuminate how their encoded proteins contribute to the genetic network that underpins development and stem cell biology.
Characterization of a cruciferin deficient mutant of Arabidopsis and its utility for overexpression of foreign proteins in plants.Lin Y, Pajak A, Marsolais F, McCourt P, Riggs CD.PLoS ONE 2013;8(5):e64980
Chromosome fragile sites in Arabidopsis harbor matrix attachment regions that may be associated with ancestral chromosome rearrangement events.dela Paz JS, Stronghill PE, Douglas SJ, Saravia S, Hasenkampf CA, Riggs CD.PLoS Genet. 2012;8(12):e1003136
Disruption of the Arabidopsis SMC4 gene, AtCAP-C, compromises gametogenesis and embryogenesis.Siddiqui NU, Rusyniak S, Hasenkampf CA, Riggs CD.Planta 2006 Apr;223(5):990-7
Pedicel development in Arabidopsis thaliana: contribution of vascular positioning and the role of the BREVIPEDICELLUS and ERECTA genes.Douglas SJ, Riggs CD.Dev. Biol. 2005 Aug;284(2):451-63
Mutations in Arabidopsis condensin genes disrupt embryogenesis, meristem organization and segregation of homologous chromosomes during meiosis.Siddiqui NU, Stronghill PE, Dengler RE, Hasenkampf CA, Riggs CD.Development 2003 Jul;130(14):3283-95
KNAT1 and ERECTA regulate inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis.Douglas SJ, Chuck G, Dengler RE, Pelecanda L, Riggs CD.Plant Cell 2002 Mar;14(3):547-58