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Ph.D. Freie Universitaet Berlin 1996 M.Sc. University of Toronto 1993 B.Sc. University of Toronto 1990.


Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Comparative Genomics Functional Genomics Molecular Biology Plant Biology Structural Biology Systems Biology

My interests lie in the use of bioinformatics tools (some of which my lab has developed and which are available at the Bio-Analytic Resource, http://bar.utoronto.ca; http://facebook.com/BioAnalyticResource) to identify novel aspects of plant biology, especially in the area of plant stress biology. For instance, cluster analysis of gene expression data from plants subjected to different abiotic and biotic stresses has provided putative functional roles for several plant transcription factors, cytochrome P450s, and other members within multigene families. Furthermore, gene expression analyses can also provide inferential mechanistic insights into the development of various organs or tissues, e.g. rice seed, at the metabolic or signal transduction level. Being a founding member of the Centre for the Analysis of Genome Evolution and Function, CAGEF – with its numerous high-throughput technology platforms, my lab is well positioned to utilize and generate large amounts of sequence and gene expression data, following a systems biology approach.


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New BAR tools for mining expression data and exploring Cis-elements in Arabidopsis thaliana..Austin, Ryan S, Shu Hiu, Jamie Waese, Matthew Ierullo, Asher Pasha, Ting Ting Wang, Jim Fan, et al. The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology ( 5). 2016. pubmed A Human “eFP” Browser for Generating Gene Expression Anatograms.Patel, Rohan V, Erin T Hamanishi, and Nicholas J Provart. PloS one, no. 3 ( 8) 2016. pubmed Gene Slider: sequence logo interactive data-visualization for education and research..Waese, Jamie, Asher Pasha, Ting Ting Wang, Anna van Weringh, David S Guttman, and Nicholas J Provart. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) ( 13). 2016. pubmed NIN-like protein 8 is a master regulator of nitrate-promoted seed germination in Arabidopsis.Yan, Dawei, Vanathy Easwaran, Vivian Chau, Masanori Okamoto, Matthew Ierullo, Mitsuhiro Kimura, Akira Endo, et al. Nature communications ( 12). 2016. pubmed Inference of Longevity-Related Genes from a Robust Coexpression Network of Seed Maturation Identifies Regulators Linking Seed Storability to Biotic Defense-Related Pathways.Righetti, Karima, Joseph Ly Vu, Sandra Pelletier, Benoit Ly Vu, Enrico Glaab, David Lalanne, Asher Pasha, et al. The Plant cell, no. 10 ( 26) 2015. pubmed 50 years of Arabidopsis research: highlights and future directions.Provart NJ, Alonso J, Assmann SM, Bergmann D, Brady SM, Brkljacic J, Browse J, Chapple C, Colot V, Cutler S, Dangl J, Ehrhardt D, Friesner JD, Frommer WB, Grotewold E, Meyerowitz E, Nemhauser J, Nordborg M, Pikaard C, Shanklin J, Somerville C, Stitt M, Torii KU, Waese J, Wagner D, McCourt P.New Phytol. 2015 Oct; pubmed Comparative analyses of C4 and C3 photosynthesis in developing leaves of maize and rice.Wang L, Czedik-Eysenberg A, Mertz RA, Si Y, Tohge T, Nunes-Nesi A, Arrivault S, Dedow LK, Bryant DW, Zhou W, Xu J, Weissmann S, Studer A, Li P, Zhang C, LaRue T, Shao Y, Ding Z, Sun Q, Patel RV, Turgeon R, Zhu X, Provart NJ, Mockler TC, Fernie AR, Stitt M, Liu P, Brutnell TP.Nat. Biotechnol. 2014 Oct; pubmed A mesoscale abscisic acid hormone interactome reveals a dynamic signaling landscape in Arabidopsis.Lumba S, Toh S, Handfield LF, Swan M, Liu R, Youn JY, Cutler SR, Subramaniam R, Provart N, Moses A, Desveaux D, McCourt P.Dev. Cell 2014 May;29(3):360-72 pubmed New insights into Dehalococcoides mccartyi metabolism from a reconstructed metabolic network-based systems-level analysis of D. mccartyi transcriptomes.Islam MA, Waller AS, Hug LA, Provart NJ, Edwards EA, Mahadevan R.PLoS ONE 2014;9(4):e94808 pubmed Bioinformatic tools in Arabidopsis research.de Lucas M, Provart NJ, Brady SM.Methods Mol. Biol. 2014;1062:97-136 pubmed RNA-Seq effectively monitors gene expression in Eutrema salsugineum plants growing in an extreme natural habitat and in controlled growth cabinet conditions.Champigny MJ, Sung WW, Catana V, Salwan R, Summers PS, Dudley SA, Provart NJ, Cameron RK, Golding GB, Weretilnyk EA.BMC Genomics 2013;14:578 pubmed Developmental transcriptional profiling reveals key insights into Triticeae reproductive development.Tran F, Penniket C, Patel RV, Provart NJ, Laroche A, Rowland O, Robert LS.Plant J. 2013 Jun;74(6):971-88 pubmed
