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Ph.D. Cornell University 1999 M.Sc. University of Toronto 1993 B.Sc. University of Toronto 1991


Animal Biology Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Comparative Genomics Evolutionary Biology Functional Genomics Genetics

The biodiverse tropical regions of the world provide rich sources of natural variation in organism function that can profitably be examined using modern molecular genetic approaches. To understand the history of animal diversification in the tropics, I reconstruct evolutionary relationships among taxa using molecular phylogenetics. The resultant phylogenies provide insight on the history of speciation, and the role of geographic connections and barriers in promoting diversification (biogeography). I am also interested in the molecular evolution of genes with important ecological and behavioural functions. My lab is currently examining ion channel genes that play a role in the production of electric signals in Neotropical electric fishes (Gymnotiformes). By correlating differences in electric signal parameters with genetic variation, we hope to gain insight into the evolutionary processes that affect organism function. We are also examining the molecular consequences of marine to freshwater habitat shifts in a variety of fishes that have invaded tropical rivers like the Amazon. My research integrates fieldwork and molecular lab approaches, and many of my students have combined these two aspects in their research projects.


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Molecular evolution of GPCRs: CRH/CRH receptors.Lovejoy DA, Chang BS, Lovejoy NR, del Castillo J.J. Mol. Endocrinol. 2014 Jun;52(3):T43-60 pubmed The evolutionary origins of diadromy inferred from a time-calibrated phylogeny for Clupeiformes (herring and allies).Bloom DD, Lovejoy NR.Proc. Biol. Sci. 2014 Mar;281(1778):20132081 pubmed Do freshwater fishes diversify faster than marine fishes? A test using state-dependent diversification analyses and molecular phylogenetics of new world silversides (atherinopsidae).Bloom DD, Weir JT, Piller KR, Lovejoy NR.Evolution 2013 Jul;67(7):2040-57 pubmed Proximate and ultimate causes of signal diversity in the electric fish Gymnotus.Crampton WG, Rodríguez-Cattáneo A, Lovejoy NR, Caputi AA.J. Exp. Biol. 2013 Jul;216(Pt 13):2523-41 pubmed Paleo-drainage basin connectivity predicts evolutionary relationships across three Southeast Asian biodiversity hotspots.de Bruyn M, Rüber L, Nylinder S, Stelbrink B, Lovejoy NR, Lavoué S, Tan HH, Nugroho E, Wowor D, Ng PK, Siti Azizah MN, Von Rintelen T, Hall R, Carvalho GR.Syst. Biol. 2013 May;62(3):398-410 pubmed Molecular phylogenetics reveals a pattern of biome conservatism in New World anchovies (family Engraulidae).Bloom DD, Lovejoy NR.J. Evol. Biol. 2012 Apr;25(4):701-15 pubmed It's a family matter: molecular phylogenetics of Atheriniformes and the polyphyly of the surf silversides (family: Notocheiridae).Bloom DD, Unmack PJ, Gosztonyi AE, Piller KR, Lovejoy NR.Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 2012 Mar;62(3):1025-30 pubmed Reproductive character displacement and signal ontogeny in a sympatric assemblage of electric fish.Crampton WG, Lovejoy NR, Waddell JC.Evolution 2011 Jun;65(6):1650-66 pubmed The Casiquiare river acts as a corridor between the Amazonas and Orinoco river basins: biogeographic analysis of the genus Cichla.Willis SC, Nunes M, Montaña CG, Farias IP, Ortí G, Lovejoy NR.Mol. Ecol. 2010 Mar;19(5):1014-30 pubmed Phylogeny, biogeography, and electric signal evolution of Neotropical knifefishes of the genus Gymnotus (Osteichthyes: Gymnotidae).Lovejoy NR, Lester K, Crampton WG, Marques FP, Albert JS.Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 2010 Jan;54(1):278-90 pubmed Parasites of the deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsonii) across its Canadian range.Carney JP, Sheldon TA, Lovejoy NR.J. Parasitol. 2009 Oct;95(5):1209-12 pubmed Multivariate classification of animal communication signals: a simulation-based comparison of alternative signal processing procedures using electric fishes.Crampton WG, Davis JK, Lovejoy NR, Pensky M.J. Physiol. Paris 2008 Jul-Nov;102(4-6):304-21 pubmed
