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Ph.D. York University 1985 B.Sc. York University 1979


Biotechnology Cell Biology Microbiology Molecular Biology Physiology Plant Biology Structural Biology

Related interests concern how drug experience affects an animal’s neurobiological and behavioral responses to stress (physical, emotional, or pharmacological) following prolonged drug-free periods, how these responses differ from those exhibited by a drug-naïve animal, and what implications any observed differences between drug-experienced and -naïve animals may have for understanding the relationship between stress and relapse to drug seeking. Thus, a further aspect of my research interests relates to the interaction between stress and drug effects and, more specifically, the relationship between stress and relapse to drug seeking.


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Identification and characterization of a carboxysomal γ-carbonic anhydrase from the cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. PCC 7120.de Araujo C, Arefeen D, Tadesse Y, Long BM, Price GD, Rowlett RS, Kimber MS, Espie GS.Photosyn. Res. 2014 Sep;121(2-3):135-50 pubmed Algae biofilm growth and the potential to stimulate lipid accumulation through nutrient starvation.Schnurr PJ, Espie GS, Allen DG.Bioresour. Technol. 2013 May;136:337-44 pubmed Inactivation of a low temperature-induced RNA helicase in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803: physiological and morphological consequences.Rosana AR, Ventakesh M, Chamot D, Patterson-Fortin LM, Tarassova O, Espie GS, Owttrim GW.Plant Cell Physiol. 2012 Apr;53(4):646-58 pubmed Physiological characterization and light response of the CO2-concentrating mechanism in the filamentous cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp. CPCC 696.de Araujo ED, Patel J, de Araujo C, Rogers SP, Short SM, Campbell DA, Espie GS.Photosyn. Res. 2011 Sep;109(1-3):85-101 pubmed Carboxysomes: cyanobacterial RubisCO comes in small packages.Espie GS, Kimber MS.Photosyn. Res. 2011 Sep;109(1-3):7-20 pubmed Structural basis of the oxidative activation of the carboxysomal gamma-carbonic anhydrase, CcmM.Peña KL, Castel SE, de Araujo C, Espie GS, Kimber MS.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2010 Feb;107(6):2455-60 pubmed Optical microscopy in photosynthesis.Cisek R, Spencer L, Prent N, Zigmantas D, Espie GS, Barzda V.Photosyn. Res. 2009 Nov-Dec;102(2-3):111-41 pubmed A multiprotein bicarbonate dehydration complex essential to carboxysome function in cyanobacteria.Cot SS, So AK, Espie GS.J. Bacteriol. 2008 Feb;190(3):936-45 pubmed Involvement of the cynABDS operon and the CO2-concentrating mechanism in the light-dependent transport and metabolism of cyanate by cyanobacteria.Espie GS, Jalali F, Tong T, Zacal NJ, So AK.J. Bacteriol. 2007 Feb;189(3):1013-24 pubmed Mechanism of the down regulation of photosynthesis by blue light in the Cyanobacterium synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.Scott M, McCollum C, Vasil'ev S, Crozier C, Espie GS, Krol M, Huner NP, Bruce D.Biochemistry 2006 Jul;45(29):8952-8 pubmed A novel evolutionary lineage of carbonic anhydrase (epsilon class) is a component of the carboxysome shell.So AK, Espie GS, Williams EB, Shively JM, Heinhorst S, Cannon GC.J. Bacteriol. 2004 Feb;186(3):623-30 pubmed
