Y. Suganuma, F. Menard, M. Lautens and A.-A. Dhirani, “A surface functionalized conductance detector for liquid chromatography”, in preparation.
Y. Suganuma and A.-A. Dhirani, “A microfabricated conductance detector for high performance liquid chromatography,” submitted.
A. Zabet-Khosousi and A.-A. Dhirani, “Metal-insulator transition in molecularly-linked nanoparticle films,” Handbook of Nanophysics, Klauss D. Sattler, Ed., Taylor and Francis, 2010
A. Zabet-Khosousi and A.-A. Dhirani, “Charge transport in nanoparticle assemblies,” Chem. Rev., 108 (2008) 4072 (53 pp).
B. Lam and A.-A. Dhirani, “Mesoscopic conductance oscillations in superconducting nanoparticle films,” J. Phys. Chem. C 112 (2008) 13812 (4 pp).
J. L. Dunford and A.-A. Dhirani, “Magnetoconductance oscillations at a nanoparticle film-superconductor interface: a means for probing flux penetration,” Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 455402 (4 pp).
J. L. Dunford and A.-A. Dhirani, “Reflectionless tunneling at nanoparticle film – superconductor interfaces,” Phys. Rev. Lett., 100 (2008) 147202 (4pp).
J. Dunford and A.-A. Dhirani, “Conductance oscillations in molecularly-linked Au nanoparticle film – superconductor systems,” Nanotechnology 19 (2008) 025202 (7pp).
A. Zabet-Khosousi and A.-A. Dhirani, “Shadow mask fabrication of micron-wide break-junctions and their application to single nanoparticle devices,” Nanotechnology 18 (2007) 455305 (6pp)
A. Escorcia and A.-A. Dhirani, “Electrochemical Properties of Ferrocenylalkane dithiol-Gold Nanoparticle Films Prepared by Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembly,” J. of Electroanalytical Chem. 601 (2007) 260 - 268.
J. L. Dunford, B. Statt and A.-A. Dhirani, “Magnetoconductance of Molecularly Linked Au Nanoparticle Arrays\\Near the Metal-insulator Transition,” Phys. Rev. B 74 (2006) 115417
A. Zabet-Khosousi, P.-E. Trudeau, Y. Suganuma, B. Statt and A.-A. Dhirani, “Metal to Insulator in films of molecularly linked Au nanoparticles,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 156403
Y. Suganuma and A.-A. Dhirani, “Microlithography-free multi-valued analog memory device using self-assembled nanoparticle films,” SPIE Nanotechnology e-newsletter, available on line at http://spie.org/app/EbulletinArchive/nano/090905nano/nanoSep05.html.
J. L. Dunford, Y. Suganuma, B. Statt and A.-A. Dhirani, “Quasi-localized hopping in molecularly-linked Au nanoparticle arrays near the metal-insulator transition,” Phys. Rev. B 72 (2005) 075441
Y. Suganuma, J. L. Dunford, P. E. Trudeau and A.-A. Dhirani, “Gating of enhanced electron charging thresholds in bulk self-assembled nanoparticle films,” J. of Phys. Chem. B 109 (2005) 15391.
Y. Suganuma, P.-E. Trudeau and A.-A. Dhirani, “Multi-valued analog information storage using self-assembled nanoparticle films,” Nanotechnology 16 (2005) 1196.
A. Zabet-Khosousi, Y. Suganuma, K. Lopata, P.-E. Trudeau, and A.-A. Dhirani, “Influence of linker molecules on charge transport through self-assembled single-nanoparticle devices,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 (2005) 096801