Physical Chemistry/Energy/Catalysis & Green Chemistry/Devices/Assembly & Nanochemistry/Structural Chemistry/Spectroscopy & Advanced Analysis
Through recent advances in near-field optics, optical microscopy and optical spectroscopy are possible with unprecedented spatial resolution (of the order of 10nm) and single molecule sensitivity. In my research we apply near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) and near-field optical spectroscopy (NFOS) to the study of thin films and surfaces on a nanoscopic scale (10nm to 100nm), a regime where many interesting chemical and physical properties are defined. To probe local structure and dynamics, a variety of steady-state and time-resolved spectroscopic techniques will be developed for use with NFOS including: absorption and emission spectroscopies, photoconductivity, linear and circular dichroism, excitation lifetime, pump-probe experiments, second harmonic generation, and optical detection of magnetic resonance (electron spin resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance). The materials studied include self-assembled monolayers, conducting polymers, inorganic semiconductors and biological membranes. The common thread in these materials is the importance of the local structure (and the surface) on the physical properties.
In organic self-assembled monolayer systems developed for nonlinear optics applications, NFOS is used to monitor layer growth. Beginning with very dilute coverage (well separated molecules), the influence of the substrate surface on single chromophore molecules in the monolayer can be determined. This data will provide insight into the chromophore-surface bond. By increasing surface coverage it is also possible to monitor development of local order and disorder in the monolayer and their effect on its static and dynamic properties.
In conducting polymer films used for light emitting diodes (LED's), NFOS explores local order and disorder in the film and its effect on carrier generation, transport and lifetime. The movement of charge carriers in these systems is an important process in light emission and is very sensitive to the local environment. In addition, it is also possible to image a working LED and provide insights into the spatial dependence of the emission. This type of data will have direct implication on the performance of the device.
Scott P. Price, Xiao Tong, Claron Ridge, Hunter L. Neilson, Joshua W. Buffon, Jeremy Robins, Horia Metiu, Michael T. Bowers, and Steven K. Buratto "Catalytic Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde by Mass-Selected Vanadium Oxide Clusters Supported on a TiO2(110) Surface" The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Nicholas J. Economou, Syed Mubeen, Steven K. Buratto, and Eric W. McFarland "Investigation of Arrays of Photosynthetically Active Heterostructures Using Conductive Probe Atomic Force Microscopy" Nano Letters 2014 14 (6), 3328-3334
Burk, Jonathan J., and Steven K. Buratto. "Electrodeposition of Pt Nanoparticle Catalysts from H2Pt (OH) 6 and Their Application in PEM Fuel Cells." The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117.37 (2013): 18957-18966.
O’Dea, J. R.; Economou, N. J.; Buratto, S. K. Surface Morphology of Nafion at Hydrated and Dehydrated Conditions. Macromolecules 2013, 46, (6), 2267 - 2274.
Price, S. P.; Tong, X.; Ridge, C.; Shapovalov, V.; Hu, Z.; Kemper, P.; Metiu, H.; Bowers, M. T.; Buratto, S. K. STM characterization of size-selected V-1, V-2, VO and VO2 clusters on a TiO2 (110)-(1 x 1) surface at room temperature. Surf. Sci. 2011, 605, 972–976.
O’Dea, J. R.; Buratto, S. K. Phase Imaging of Proton Exchange Membranes under Attractive and Repulsive Tip−Sample Interaction Forces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2011, 115, 1014–1020.
Tong, X.; Benz, L.; Chretien, S.; Metiu, H.; Bowers, M.T.; Buratto, S. K., Direct Visualization of Water-Induced Relocation of Au Atoms from Oxygen Vacancies on a TiO2 (110) Surface. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114, (9), 3987-3990. [Link]
Buratto, S. K., News and Views. Nat. Nano. 2010, 5, (3), 176.
O’Neill, P.R.; Velazquez, L.R.; Dunn, D.G.; Gwinn, E.G.; Fygenson, D., Hairpins with Poly-C Loops Stabilize Four Types of Fluorescent Ag:DNA. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009, 113, (11), 4229-4233.
Sirbuly, D.J.; Gargas, D.J; Mason, M.D.; Carson, P.J.; Buratto, S. K., Optical Anisotropy in Individual Porous Silicon Nanoparticles Containing Multiple Chromophores. ACS Nano 2008, 2, (6), 1131-1136.
Swensen, J. S.; Yuen, J.; Gargas, D.J.; Buratto, S. K.; Heeger, A. J., Light emission from an ambipolar semiconducting polymer field effect transistor: Analysis of the device physics. Journal of Applied Physics 2007, 102, (1).
Summers, M. A.; Buratto, S. K.; Edman, L., Morphology and environment-dependent fluorescence in blends containing a phenylenevinylene-conjugated polymer. Thin Solid Films 2007, 515, (23), 8412-8418.
Bussian, D. A.; O'Dea, J. R.; Metiu, H.; Buratto, S. K., Nanoscale current imaging of the conducting channels in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Nano Letters 2007, 7, (2), 227-232.
Ostrowski, J. C.; Mikhailovsky, A.; Bussian, D. A.; Summers, M. A.; Buratto, S. K.; Bazan, G. C., Enhancement of phosphorescence by surface-plasmon resonances in colloidal metal nanoparticles: The role of aggregates. Advanced Functional Materials 2006, 16, (9), 1221-1227.
Kemper, P.; Kolmakov, A.; Tong, X.; Lilach, Y.; Benz, L.; Manard, M.; Metiu, H.; Buratto, S. K.; Bowers, M. T., Formation, deposition and examination of size selected metal clusters on semiconductor surfaces: An experimental setup. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 2006, 254, (3), 202-209.
Gargas, D. J.; Muresan, O.; Sirbuly, D. J.; Buratto, S. K., Micropatterned porous-silicon Bragg mirrors by dry-removal soft lithography. Advanced Materials 2006, 18, (23), 3164.
Benz, L.; Tong, X.; Kemper, P.; Metiu, H.; Bowers, M. T.; Buratto, S. K., Pinning mononuclear Au on the surface of titania. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110, (2), 663-666.
Chou, J.; Jayaraman, S.; Ranasinghe, A. D.; McFarland, E. W.; Buratto, S. K.; Metiu, H., Efficient electrocatalyst utilization: Electrochemical deposition of Pt nanoparticles using nafion membrane as a template. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110, (14), 7119-7121.
Summers, M. A.; Bazan, G. C.; Buratto, S. K., Matrix-induced intensity fluctuations in the fluorescence from single oligo(phenylenevinylene) molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2005, 127, (46), 16202-16206.
Gargas, D. J.; Bussian, D. A.; Buratto, S. K., Investigation of the connectivity of hydrophilic domains in nafion using electrochemical pore-directed nanolithography. Nano Letters 2005, 5, (11), 2184-2187.