Ph.D. 2001. Watershed Ecosystems, Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada
M.Sc. 1996. Soil Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
B.Sc. 1994. Biological Science, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada
Research in my lab involves the development and calibration of pollutant bioaccumulation models for a variety of indicator species including invertebrates, fish, amphibians and birds. These models are being applied to assess water and sediment quality of the Great Lakes, perform ecological hazard and risk assessments and as research tools to determine how contaminant distributions are influenced by carbon production dynamics and animal bioenergetics.
Guildford SJ, Muir DCG, Houde M, Evans MS, Kidd KA, Whittle DM, Drouillard KG, Wang X, Anderson MR, Bronte CR, DeVault DS, Haffner DG, Payne J, Kling HJ. In Press. PCB concentrations in lake trout (Salvelinus naymacush) are correlated to carbon stable isotope signature and lake characteristics. Environ. Sci. Technol.
Raeside, AA, S O'Rourke, KG Drouillard. In Press. Determination of in situ PCB elimination rate coefficients (ktot) in the freshwater mussel biomonitor Elliptio complanata deployed in the Huron–Erie corridor. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. (In Revision - MS#07-441).
Fernie KJ, RB King, KG Drouillard, KM Standford. In Press. Temporal and spatial patterns of contaminants in Lake Erie waternsakes (Nerodia sipedon insularum) before and after the round goby (Apollonia melanstomus) invasion. Sci. Total Environ (MS#: STOTEN-D-08-00795R1)
Houde M, Muir DCB, Kidd KA, Guildford S, Drouillard KG, Evans MS, Wang X, Whittle DM, Haffner GD, Kling H. 2008. Influence of lake characteristics on the biomagnification of persistent organic pollutants in lake trout food webs. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 27:2169-2178
Drouillard KG. 2008. Ecotoxicology: Biomagnification. In Jørgensen, SE, BD Fath (Eds.),Ecotoxicology. Vol. 1 of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 vols. Oxford, Elsevier, pp. 441-448. Invited Book Chapter.