Ouellette-Plante, J., L.E. Johnson, A.L. Martel, and A. Ricciardi. 2017. Acclimation by invasive mussels: spatio-temporal variation in phenotypic response to turbidity. Freshwater Science. In press.
Iacarella, J.C., E.J. Hudgins, J.T.A. Dick, and A. Ricciardi. 2017. Predatory behaviour of an invasive amphipod in response to varying conspecific densities under higher-order predation risk. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. In press.
Jackson, M.C., R.J. Wasserman, J. Grey, A. Ricciardi, J.T.A. Dick, and M.E. Alexander. 2017. Novel and disrupted trophic links following invasion in freshwater ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research 57: 55–97.
Ricciardi, A., T.M. Blackburn, J.T. Carlton, J.T.A. Dick, P.E. Hulme, J.C. Iacarella, J.M. Jeschke, A.M. Liebhold, J.L. Lockwood, H.J. MacIsaac, P. Pyšek, D.M. Richardson, G.M. Ruiz, D. Simberloff, W.J. Sutherland, D.A. Wardle, and D.C. Aldridge. 2017. Invasion science: A horizon scan of emerging challenges and opportunities. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. In press.
Dick, J.T.A, M.E. Alexander, A. Ricciardi, C. Laverty, P.O. Downey, M. Xu, J.M. Jeschke, W.-C. Saul, M.P. Hill, R. Wasserman, D. Barrios-O’Neill, O.L.F. Weyl, and R.H. Shaw. 2017. Functional responses can unify invasion ecology. Biological Invasions. In press.
Dick, J.T.A., C. Laverty, J.J. Lennon, D. Barrios-O'Neill. P. Mensink, J.R. Britton, V. Medoc, P. Boets, M.E. Alexander, N.G. Taylor, A.M. Dunn, M.J. Hatcher, P.J. Rosewarne, S. Crookes, H.J. MacIsaac, M. Xu, A. Ricciardi, R.J. Wasserman, B.R. Ellender, F.E. Lucy, P.B. Banks, J.A. Dodd, C. MacNeil, M.R. Penk, D.C. Aldridge, and J.M. Caffrey. 2017. Invader Relative Impact Potential: a new metric to understand and predict the ecological impacts of existing, emerging and future invasive alien species. Journal of Applied Ecology. In press.
Xu, M., J.T.A. Dick, A. Ricciardi, M. Fang, C. Zhang, D. Gu, X. Mu, D. Luo, W. Hui, Y. Hu. 2017. Warming mediates the relationship between plant nutritional properties and herbivore functional responses. Ecology and Evolution 6(24): 8777–8784.
Church, K., J.C. Iacarella, & A. Ricciardi. 2017. Aggressive interactions between two invasive species: the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and the spinycheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus). Biological Invasions 19: 425–441.
Ricciardi, A. 2016. Tracking marine alien species by ship movements. [Commentary] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113(20): 5470–5471.
Barrios-O’Neill, D., J.T.A. Dick, R. Kelly, A. Ricciardi, H.J. MacIsaac, & M.C. Emmerson. 2016. On the context-dependent scaling of consumer feeding rates. Ecology Letters 19: 668-678.
Hamelin, K.H., R.A. Castañeda, & A. Ricciardi. 2016. Cryptic invaders: Nonindigenous and cryptogenic freshwater Bryozoa and Entoprocta in the St. Lawrence River. Biological Invasions 18: 1737-1744.
Huang, Q., H. Wang, A. Ricciardi, & M.A. Lewis. 2016. Temperature- and turbidity-dependent competitive interactions between invasive freshwater mussels. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 78: 353–380.
Pagnucco, K.S., Y. Remmal, & A. Ricciardi. 2016. An invasive benthic fish magnifies trophic cascades and alters pelagic communities in an experimental freshwater system. Freshwater Science 35: 654-665.
Pagnucco, K.S. & A. Ricciardi. 2015. Disentangling the influence of abiotic variables and a non-native predator on freshwater community structure. Ecosphere 6: article 285.
Iacarella, J.C. & A. Ricciardi. 2015. Dissolved ions mediate body mass gain and predatory response of an invasive fish. Biological Invasions 17: 3237-3246.
MacIsaac, H.J., B. Beric, S.A. Bailey, N.E. Mandrak, &A. Ricciardi. 2015.Are the Great Lakes at risk of new fish invasions from trans-Atlantic shipping? Journal of Great Lakes Research 41: 1172–1175.
Iacarella, J.C., P.S. Mankiewicz, & A. Ricciardi. 2015. Negative competitive effects of invasive plants change with time since invasion. Ecosphere 6: article 123.
Iacarella, J.C., J.T.A. Dick, & A. Ricciardi. 2015. A spatio-temporal contrast of the predatory impact of an invasive freshwater crustacean. Diversity and Distributions 21: 803-812.
Iacarella, J.C., J.T.A. Dick, M.E. Alexander, & A. Ricciardi. 2015. Ecological impacts of invasive alien species along temperature gradients: testing the role of environmental matching. Ecological Applications 25: 706–716.
Pagnucco, K.S., G.A. Maynard, S. Fera, N.D. Yan, T.F. Nalepa, & A. Ricciardi. 2015. The future of species invasions in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41 (Suppl. 1): 96–107.
Barrios-O’Neill, D., J.T.A. Dick, M. Emmerson, A. Ricciardi, & H.J. MacIsaac. 2015. Predator-free space, functional responses and biological invasions. Functional Ecology 29: 377–384.