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Khoury H, MA Naujokas, D Zuo, V Sangwan, MM Frigault, S Petkiewicz, DL Dankort, WJ Muller, and M Park. (2005) HGF Converts ErbB2/Neu Epithelial Morphogenesis to Cell Invasion. Mol Biol Cell 6(6): 550-61. (pdf)
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Dankort D, N Jeybala, N Jones, DJ Dumont, and WJ Muller. (2001) Multiple ErbB-2/Neu phosphorylation sites mediate transformation through distinct effector proteins. J. Biol Chem 276: 38921-38928. (pdf)
Dankort D, B Maslikowski, N Warner, N Kanno, H Kim, Z Wang, MF Moran, RG Oshima, RD Cardiff and WJ Muller. (2001) Grb2 and Shc adapter proteins play distinct roles in ErbB 2/Neu-induced mammary tumorigenesis: implications for human breast cancer. Mol Cell Biol 21(5): 7068-7077. (pdf)
Khoury H, DL Dankort, S Sadekova, MA Naujokas, WJ Muller and M Park. (2001) Distinct tyrosine autophosphorylation sites mediate induction of epithelial mesenchymal like transition by an activated ErbB-2/Neu receptor. Oncogene 20(7): 788-99. (pdf)