design and fabricate dynamic hybrid nanodevices comprising linear protein molecular motors working on semiconductor manufactured electro-mechanical devices;
design and fabricate ‘smart’ micro/nano-profiled and electrically-active surfaces that combinatorially probe the response of biomolecules for micro/nano-array applications;
study effective, non-denaturating technologies for immobilization of biomolecules in static (e.g. biosensors) and dynamic (e.g. microfluidics) biodevices;
study intelligent-like behaviour and algorithms used by microorganisms in their survival and search strategies, probed in microfabricated structures
Protein Molecular Surface Mapped at Different Geometrical Resolutions. Nicolau, D.V., Paszek, E., Fulga, F., Nicolau Jr., D.V. PLoS ONE. 2013 March 14; 8(3), Art. No. e58896 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058896
Separation-free detection of biological molecules based on plasmon-enhanced fluorescence. Wilson, R., Nicolau, D.V. Angewandte Chemie – Int. Ed. 2011 February 25; 50(9), 2151-2154 DOI: 10.1002/anie.201005975
The BAD project: Data mining, database and prediction of protein adsorption on surfaces. Vasina, E.N., Paszek, E., Nicolau Jr., D.V. , Nicolau, D.V. Lab on a Chip. 2009; 9(7), 891-900. DOI: 10.1039/b813475h