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Molecular and cellular mechanisms of aging and age-related disorders


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Gafar, A.A., Draz, H.M., Goldberg, A.A., Bashandy, M.A., Bakry, S.,Khalifa, M.A., AbuShair, W., Titorenko,V.I. and Sanderson, J.T. Lithocholic acid induces endoplasmic reticulumstress, autophagy and mitochondrial dysfunction in human prostate cancer cells.PeerJ (2016) 4:e2445. Kyryakov, P., Gomez-Perez, A., Glebov, A., Asbah, N., Bruno, L.,Meunier, C., Iouk, T. and Titorenko,V.I. Empirical verification of evolutionary theories of aging. Aging (2016) 8:2568-2589. Arlia-Ciommo, A., Dakik, P., Leonov, A.,McAuley, M., Medkour, Y., Mohammad, K., Iouk, T., Simard, É. and Titorenko, V.I. Mechanisms throughwhich chemical compounds produced by mammals or plants delay chronologicalaging in yeast. Austin Biol. (2016)1:1011. Dakik, P. and Titorenko, V.I. Communications between mitochondria, the nucleus,vacuoles, peroxisomes, the endoplasmic reticulum, the plasma membrane, lipiddroplets and the cytosol during yeast chronological aging. Front. Genet. (2016) 7:177. Lutchman,V., Dakik, P., McAuley, M., Cortes, B., Ferraye, G., Gontmacher, L., Graziano,D., Moukhariq, F., Simard, É. and Titorenko,V.I. Six plant extracts delay yeast chronological aging through differentsignaling pathways. Oncotarget (2016)7:50845-50863. Medkour,Y., Svistkova, V. and Titorenko, V.I. Cell-nonautonomousmechanisms underlying cellular and organismal aging. Int. Rev. Cell Mol. Biol. (2016) 321:259-297. Arlia-Ciommo,A., Svistkova, V., Mohtashami, S. and Titorenko,V.I. A novel approach to the discovery of anti-tumor pharmaceuticals:searching for activators of liponecrosis. Oncotarget(2016) 7:5204-5225. Klionsky,D.J. et al. (including Titorenko, V.I.).Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (3rdedition). Autophagy (2016) 12:1-222. Medkour,Y. and Titorenko, V.I. Mitochondriaoperate as signaling platforms in yeast aging. Aging (2016) 8:212-213. Lutchman,V., Medkour, Y., Samson, E., Arlia-Ciommo, A., Dakik, P., Cortes, B., Feldman,R., Mohtashami, S., McAuley, M., Chancharoen, M., Rukundo, B., Simard, E. and Titorenko, V.I. Discovery of plantextracts that greatly delay yeast chronological aging and have differenteffects on longevity-defining cellular processes. Oncotarget (2016) 7:16542-16566. Tremblay,M., Zhang, I., Bisht, K., Savage, J., Lecours, C., Parent, M., Titorenko, V.I. and Maysinger, D.Remodeling of lipid bodies by docosahexaenoic acid in activated microglialcells. J. Neuroinflammation (2016)13:116. Piano,A. and Titorenko, V.I. The intricateinterplay between mechanisms underlying aging and cancer. Aging and Disease (2015) 6:56-75. Beach,A., Leonov, A., Arlia-Ciommo, A., Svistkova, V., Lutchman, V. and Titorenko, V.I. Mechanisms by which different functional states of mitochondria define yeast longevity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2015) 16:5528-5554. Titorenko, V.I. andRachubinski, R.A. (editors). Origin and spatiotemporal dynamics of theperoxisomal endomembrane system. Frontiers Research Topic E-book. FrontiersMedia SA, Switzerland (2015). Leonov,A., Arlia-Ciommo, A., Piano, A., Svistkova, V., Lutchman, V., Medkour, Y. and Titorenko, V.I.Longevity extension by phytochemicals. Molecules(2015) 20:6544-6572. Beach,A., Richard, V.R., Bourque, S., Boukh-Viner, T., Kyryakov, P., Gomez-Perez,A., Arlia- Ciommo, A., Feldman, R.,Leonov, A., Piano, A., Svistkova, V. and Titorenko,V.I. Lithocholic bile acid accumulated in yeast mitochondria orchestrates adevelopment of an anti-aging cellularpattern by causing age-related changes in cellular proteome. Cell Cycle (2015) 14:1643-1656. Shebani,S., Jones, N., Eid, R., Gharib, N., Arab, N., Titorenko, V.I., Vali, H., Young, P. and Greenwood, M. Inhibitionof stress mediated cell death by human Lactate Dehydrogenase B (LDHB) in yeast.FEMS Yeast Res. (2015) 15:fov032. Sheibani,S., Richard, V.R., Beach, A., Leonov, A., Feldman, R., Khelghatybana, L., Piano, A., Greenwood, M., Vali, H. and Titorenko, V.I. Macromitophagy, neutrallipids synthesis and peroxisomal fattyacid oxidation protect yeast from “liponecrosis”, a previously unknown form of programmed celldeath. Cell Cycle (2014) 13:138-147. Goldberg,A.A., Titorenko, V.I., Beach, A.,Abdelbaqi, K., Safe, S. and Sanderson, J.T. Ring- substituted analogs of 3, 3'-diindolylmethane (DIM) induceapoptosis and necrosis in androgen- dependent and -independent prostate cancercells. Invest. New Drugs (2014)32:25-36. Burstein,M.T. and Titorenko, V.I. Amitochondrially targeted compound delays aging in yeast through a mechanismlinking mitochondrial membrane lipid metabolism to mitochondrial redox biology.Redox Biol. (2014) 2:305-307. Richard,V.R., Bourque, S.D. and Titorenko, V.I.Metabolomic and lipidomic analyses of chronologically aging yeast. In: YeastGenetics. Methods and Protocols. Eds. Smith, J.S. and Burke, D.J. Humana Press,USA, pp. 359-373 (2014). Arlia-Ciommo,A., Leonov, A., Piano, A., Svistkova, V. and Titorenko, V.I. Cell- autonomous mechanisms of chronological agingin the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Microbial Cell (2014) 1:164-178. Martins,D., Titorenko, V.I. and English,A.M. Cells with impaired mitochondrial H2O2 sensinggenerate less •OH radicals and live longer. Antioxid.Redox. Signal. (2014) 21:1490-1503. Richard,V.R., Bourque, S.D. and Titorenko, V.I.Metabolomic and lipidomic analyses of chronologically aging yeast. Methods Mol. Biol. (2014) 1205:359-373. Arlia-Ciommo,A., Piano, A., Svistkova, V., Mohtashami, S. and Titorenko, V.I. Mechanisms underlying the anti-aging and anti-tumoreffects of lithocholic bile acid. Int. J. Mol. Sci. (2014) 15:16522-16543.
