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Environmental Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Biogeochemistry, Climate Change, Environmental Forensics, Stable Isotopes, Chemical Oceanography.


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Hénault-Ethier, L., Bell, T.H., Martin, V.J.J., Gélinas, Y., 2016. Dynamics of Physicochemical Variables and Cultivable Bacteria in Vermicompost during Steady Food Waste Addition and Upon Feed Interruption. Compost Science and Utilization 24 (2), 117-135. Colatriano, D., Ramachandran, A., Yergeau, E., Maranger, R., Gélinas, Y., Walsh, D.A., 2015. Metaproteomics of aquatic microbial communities in a deep and stratified estuary. Proteomics 15 (20), 3566-3579. Fines-Neuschild, S., Boucher, É., Vernal, A.D., Gélinas, Y., Leclerc, P., 2015. Accelerated solvent extraction-An efficient tool to remove extractives from tree-rings. Dendrochronologia 36, 45-48. Moritz, A., Helie, J.-F., Pinti, D., Larocque, M., Barnatche, D., Retailleau, S., Lefebvre, R., Gelinas, Y., 2015. Methane baseline concentrations and sources in shallow aquifers from the shale gas-prone region of the St. Lawrence Lowlands (Quebec, Canada). Environmental Science and technology 49, 4765−4771. Stevens, C.J., Juniper, S.K., Limén, H., Pond, D.W., Metaxas, A., Gélinas, Y., 2015. Obligate hydrothermal vent fauna at East Diamante submarine volcano (Mariana Arc) exploit photosynthetic and chemosynthetic carbon sources. Marine Ecology Progress Series 525, 25-39. Barber, A., Lalonde, K., Mucci, A., Gélinas, Y. 2014, The role of iron in the diagenesis of organic carbon and nitrogen in sediments: A long-term incubation experiment, Marine Chemistry, vol. 162, pp. 1-9. Lalonde, K., Middlestead, P., Gélinas, Y., 2014. Automation of 13C/12C ratio measurement for freshwater and seawater DOC using high temperature combustion. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 12 (12), 816-829. Lalonde, K., Vähätalo, A.V., Gélinas, Y. 2014, Revisiting the disappearance of terrestrial dissolved organic matter in the ocean: A δ13C study, Biogeosciences, vol. 11, no. 13, pp. 3707-3719. Pinti, D.L., Retailleau, S., Barnetche, D., Moreira, F., Moritz, A.M., Larocque, M., Gélinas, Y., Lefebvre, R., Hélie, J.-.F., Valadez, A. 2014, 222Rn activity in groundwater of the St. Lawrence Lowlands, Quebec, eastern Canada: Relation with local geology and health hazard, Journal of environmental radioactivity, vol. 136, pp. 206-217. Alkhatib, M., Del Giorgio, P.A., Gelinas, Y., Lehmann, M.F. 2013, Benthic fluxes of dissolved organic nitrogen in the lower St. Lawrence estuary and implications for selective organic matter degradation, Biogeosciences, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 7609-7622. Sánchez-García, L., de Andrés, J.R., Gélinas, Y., Schmidt, M.W.I., Louchouarn, P. 2013, Different pools of black carbon in sediments from the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Spain): Method comparison and spatial distribution, Marine Chemistry, vol. 151, pp. 13-22. Wu, H.B., Peng, C.H., Lucotte, M., Soumis, N., Gélinas, Y., Duchemin, É., Plouhinec, J.B., Ouellet, A., Guo, Z.T. Soumis. A Coupled two-dimensional hydrodynamic and terrestrial input model to simulate CO2 diffusive emissions from lake systems. Geosciences Model Developement, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 3509-3556. Alkhatib, M., Schubert, C.J., del Giorgio, P.A., Gelinas, Y., Lehmann, M.F. 2012. Organic matter reactivity indicator in sediments of the St. Lawrence Estuary. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, vol. 102-103, pp. 36-47. Lalonde, K., Mucci, A., Ouellet, A., Gélinas, Y. 2012. Preservation of organic matter in sediments promoted by iron. Nature, vol. 483, no. 7388, pp. 198-200. Ouellet, A., Lalonde, K., Plouhinec, J.-B., Soumis, N., Lucotte, M., Gélinas, Y. 2012. Assessing carbon dynamics in natural and perturbed boreal aquatic systems, Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences., vol. 117, no G3, p. G03024. Thibodeau, B., Lehmann, M.F., Kowarzyk, J., Mucci, A., Gélinas, Y., Gilbert, D., Maranger, R., Alkhatib, M. 2012. Erratum to " Benthic nutrient fluxes along the laurentian channel: Environmental controls and impact on the N-budget of the St. Lawrence marine system" [Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 90 (4) (2010) 195-205]. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 107, 165.
