Although I have only had my lab for under 10 years, we consistently produce well received publications; I have been invited to and have written a book chapter, and two review articles on bone development. I am one of the assoc editors of the Can J of Zoology. I have organised two symposia at the American Association of Anatomists Meeting over the last 3 years. I am currently on the review panel for NSERC Discovery Grants (Cells, Genes and Molecules). I am also the Vice-Chair for the Comparative Morphology and Development Division of the Canadian Society of Zoologists and have just completed a 5-year term as a NSERC Faculty Awardee. In Sept 2011, I was awarded the (NSERC) Atlantic Chair for Women in Science and Engineering, please go to www.WISEatlantic.ca for more information about these activities.
I am a developmental biologist with a strong background in paleontology. As such my research is focused on comparative vertebrate development and evolution. Specifically, we are interested in comparing the processes for development of the craniofacial skeleton (i.e. the skull). My research combines the study of fossils (paleontology) with the study of body shape (morphology) and development in living organisms, called Evolutionary Developmental Biology or Evo-Devo. We study development at the gene, tissue and organ levels by means of molecular biology, embryology, immunohistochemistry, histology, TEM, morphology, morphometrics.
Jabalee J. and Franz-Odendaal TA. In press. Vascular endothelial growth factor signaling regulates angiogenesis and osteogenesis during the development of scleral ossicles. Developmental Biology
Franz-Odendaal TA, and Adriaens D. 2014. Comparative developmental osteology of the seahorse skeleton reveals heterochrony amongst Hippocampus sp. and progressive caudal fin loss. EvoDevo 5: 1: 45 (journal cover image)
Chang C and Franz-Odendaal TA. 2014. Perturbing the developing skull: Using laser ablation to investigate the robustness of the infraorbital bones in zebrafish (Danio rerio). BMC Developmental Biology 14:44 (doi:10.1186/s12861-014-0044-7)
Atukorala ADS, Hammer, C., Dufton, M. and Franz-Odendaal TA. 2013. Adaptive Evolution of the Lower Jaw Dentition in Mexican tetra (Astyanax mexicanus). EvoDevo 7;4(1):28 (Special Issue on Extreme Environments)
Dufton M, Hall BK, Franz-Odendaal TA. 2012. Early lens ablation causes dramatic long term effects on the shape of bones in the craniofacial skeleton of Astyanax mexicanus PLOS One 7 (11): e50308
Kague E., Gallagher M.D, Burke S., Parsons M, Franz-Odendaal TA, and Fisher S. 2012. Skeletogenic Potential of Zebrafish Cranial and Trunk Neural Crest. PLOS One 7 (11): e47394
Fisher S. Franz-Odendaal TA. 2012. Evolution of the bone gene regulatory network. Current Opinion in Genetics and Development 22:1-8.
Milligan B., Harris, N and Franz-Odendaal TA. 2012. Understanding Morphology: A Comparative Study on the Lower Jaw in Two Teleost Species. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 28: 346-352.
Duench, K and Franz-Odendaal, TA. 2012. BMP and Hedgehogsignaling during the development of scleral ossicles. Developmental Biology 365: 251-258
Jourdeuil, K and Franz-Odendaal TA. 2012. Vasculogenesis and the induction of skeletogenic condensations in the avian eye. The Anatomical Record 295:691-698.
Franz-Odendaal, TA. 2011. Scleral ossicles through the Evo-devo looking glass. Journal of Experimental Zoology: Part B: Molecular Evolution and Development. In press.
Franz-Odendaal,TA. 2011. Induction and patterning of intramembranous bone. Frontiers in Biosciences 17: 2734-2746 (Special Issue – Signaling Mechanisms in Development) (invited)
Franz-Odendaal TA. 2011. Epigenetics in bone and cartilage development. In: B. Hallgrimsson and BK Hall (eds), Epigenetics: Linking genotype and phenotype in development and evolution. University California Press. (pp. 195-220)
Varatharasan N, Croll, R, Franz-Odendaal TA. 2009. Taste bud morphology, number and distribution during development in sighted and blind morphs of Astyanax mexicanus. Developmental Dynamics 238: 3056-3064.
Pilgrim BL, and Franz-Odendaal TA. 2009. A comparative study of the ocular skeleton of fossil and modern chondrichthyes. Journal of Anatomy 214: 848-858.
Franz-Odendaal TA. 2008. Towards understanding the development of scleral ossicles in chicken embryos. Developmental Dynamics. 237: 3240-3251.
Franz-Odendaal T, Ryan K, Hall, BK. 2007. Developmental and morphological variation in the teleost craniofacial skeleton reveals an unusual mode of ossification. Journal of Experimental Zoology, (Mol Dev Evol) 308B: 709-721.
Franz-Odendaal TA, and Hall BK. 2006. Skeletal elements within teleost eyes and a discussion on their homology. Journal of Morphology. 267: 1326-1337.
Franz-Odendaal TA, and Hall BK. 2006. Modularity and sense organs in the blind cavefish, Astyanax mexicanus. Evolution & Development 8:94-100.
Franz-Odendaal TA, Hall BK, and Witten PE. 2006. Buried alive – how osteoblasts become osteocytes. Developmental Dynamics 235:176-190.