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1981- 1987 BSc and MSc, Department of Microbiology, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia. 1987-1991 PhD, Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia. 1991- 1992 Postdoc, Department of Microbiology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Laboratory of Prof. H. van Gemerden. 1992 -1994 Postdoc, Department of Microbiology, University of Freiburg, Laboratory of Prof. Dr. G. Drews. 1994 -1996 Postdoc, "Centre de Cadarache," France, Laboratory of Dr. A. Vermeglio 1996 - 1998 Postdoc, Department of Microbiology, University of British Columbia, Canada, Laboratory of Prof. J. T. Beatty. 1998 - 1999 Research Associate, Department of Microbiology, University of British Columbia, Canada, Laboratory of Prof. J. T. Beatty. 1999 - 2004 Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, The University of Manitoba 2004 - 2013 Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, The University of Manitoba 2013 - Current Professor, Department of Microbiology, The University of Manitoba


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Yurkov, V. V., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1989. Application of electron scanning microscopy to analysis of the vertical structure of microbial communities in algobacterial mats on glass fouling plates. Microbiol. (New York). 58:676-678. Yurkov, V. V., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1990. New species of freshwater bacterium which contains bacteriochlorophyll a- Erythrobacter sibiricus sp. nov. Microbiol. (New York) 59:85-89. Yurkov, V. V., Mityushina, L. L., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1991. Ultrastructure of the aerobic bacterium Erythrobacter sibiricus ontaining bacteriochlorophyll a. Microbiol. (New York). 60:339-344. Yurkov, V. V., Lysenko, A. M., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1991. Hybridization analysis of the classification of bacteriochlorophyll a-containing freshwater aerobic bacteria. Microbiol. (New York). 60: 362-366. Yurkov, V. V., Krasilnikova, E. N., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1991. Enzymes involved in heterotrophic carbon metabolism of the aerobic bacteriochlorophyll-a containing bacteria Erythrobacter sibiricus and Erythrobacter longus. Microbiol. (New York). 60:587-589. Yurkov, V. V., Gorlenko, V. M., Mityushina, L. L., and Starynin, D. A. 1991. Effect of limiting factors on the structure of photrophic associations in thermal springs. Microbiol. (New York). 60:763-711. Yurkov, V. V., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1992. Ecophysiologycal peculiarities of phototrophic microbial communities of Bolsherechensky thermal springs. Microbiol. (New York). 61:115-122. Yurkov, V. V., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1992. New strain RB-5 of purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodopseudomonas blastica, isolated from sulfide alkaline spring. Microbiol. (New York). 61:103-108. Yurkov, V. V., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1992. A new genus of freshwater aerobic bacteriochlorophyll-a containing bacteria Roseococcus gen. nov. Microbiol. (New York).60:628-632. Yurkov, V. V., Gorlenko, V. M., and Kompantseva, E. I. 1992. A new type of freshwater aerobic orange coloured bacterium Erythromicrobium gen. nov. containing bacteriochlorophyll. Microbiol. (New York). 61:169-172. Yurkov, V. V., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1993. New species of aerobic bacteria from the genus Erythromicrobium, containing bacteriochlorophyll a. Microbiol. (New York). 61:163-168. Yurkov, V., and van Gemerden, H. 1993. Impact of light/dark regime on growth rate, biomass formation and bacteriochlorophyll synthesis in Erythromicrobium hydrolyticum. Arch. Microbiol. 159:84-89. Yurkov, V., and van Gemerden, H. 1993. Abundance and salt tolerance of obligately aerobic, phototrophic bacteria in a microbial mat. Neth. J. Sea Res. 31:57-62. Yurkov, V., Gadon, N., and Drews, G. 1993. The major part of polar carotenoids of the aerobic bacteria Roseococcus thiosulfatophilus, RB3 and Erythromicrobium ramosum, E5 is not bound to the bacteriochlorophyll a-complexes of the photosynthetic apparatus. Arch. Microbiol. 160:372-376. Yurkov, V. V., Krasilnikova, E. N., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1993. Influence of light and oxygen on metabolism of aerobic bacteria Erythrobacter sibiricus. Microbiol. (New York). 62:86-91. Yurkov, V., Krasilnikova, E. N., and Gorlenko, V. M. 1994. Metabolism of thiosulfate in aerobic bacteriochlorophyll a-containing bacteria Roseococcus thiosulfatophilus and Erythromicrobium hydroliticum. Microbiol. (New York). 63:181-187. Yurkov, V., Stackebrandt, E., Holmes, A., Fuerst, J., Hugenholtz, P., Golecki, J., Gadon, N., and Drews, G. 1994. The phylogenetic positions of novel aerobic, bacteriochlorophyll a-containing bacteria and description of Roseococcus thiosulfatophilus gen. nov., spec. nov., Erythromicrobium ramosum gen. nov., spec. nov., and Erythrobacter litoralis spec. nov. Int. J. Syst.Bacteriol. 44:427-434. Yurkov, V., Angerhofer, A., Gadon, N., and Drews, G. 1994. The light-harvesting complexes of Roseococcus thiosulfatophilus, RB3 and Erythromicrobium ramosum, E5 and energy transfer from the carotenoids to reaction center. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung (in English). 49c:579-586. Yurkov, V., Schoepp, B., and Vermeglio, A. 1995. Electron transfer carriers in obligately aerobic photosynthetic bacteria from genera Roseococcus and Erythromicrobium, p. 543-546. In P. Mathis (ed.), Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere- 1995. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht/Boston/London. Gall, A., Yurkov, V., Cogdell, R. J., Vermeglio, A., and Robert, B. 1995. The pigment-protein interactions of some unusual light-harvesting antenna: a Raman study, p. 251-254. In P. Mathis (ed.), Photosynthesis: from light to biosphere- 1995. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht/Boston/London. Yurkov, V., Jappe, J., and Vermeglio, A. 1996. Tellurite resistance and reduction by obligatory aerobic photosynthetic bacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 11:4195-4198. Yurkov, V., E. Stackebrandt, O. Buss, A. Vermeglio, V. Gorlenko, and J. T. Beatty. 1997. Reorganization of the genus Erythromicrobium. Description of E. sibiricum and E. ursincola as members of two new independent genera: Sandaracinobacter and Erythromonas. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 47: 1172-1178. Yurkov, V. V., and Beatty, J. T. 1998. Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria. Microbiol. and Mol. Biol. Reviews. 62:695-724. Yurkov, V., and Beatty, J. T. 1998. Isolation of aerobic anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria from black smoker plume waters of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.?? 64:337-341. Chen, X-Y., Yurkov, V., Paddock, M. L., Okamura, M. Y., and Beatty, J. T. 1998. A puhA gene deletion and plasmid complementation system for facile site directed mutagenesis studies of the reaction center H protein of Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Photosynth. Res. 55:369-373.
