Postdoctoral Research: Department of Zoology, The University of Cambridge, UK; Charles and Katherine Darwin Research Fellow, Darwin College
PhD Biology: Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
MSc Biology: Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
BSc Honours Biology: Acadia University, Nova Scotia
Gallant, MJ , LeBlanc, S , MacCormack TJ and Currie S . 2017. Physiological responses to a short-term, environmentally realistic acute heat stress in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar . FACETS , In Press. 10.1139/facets-2016-0053
Corey, E, Linnansaari, T, Cunjak, R, Currie, S. 2017. Physiological effects of environmentally relevant, multi-day thermal stress on wild juvenile Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ). Conservation Physiology , In Press.
Tunnah, L Currie, S and MacCormack, TJ. 2017. Do prior diel thermal cycles influence the physiological response of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) to subsequent heat stress? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences . 74(1): 127-139, 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0157.
Morash, AJ , Mackellar, S , Tunnah, L, Barnett,DA, Stehfast, KM, Semmens, JM and Currie, S. 2016. Pass the salt: Physiological consequences of ecologically relevant hypo-osmotic exposure in juvenile gummy ( Mustelus antarcticus ) and school ( Galeorhinus galeus ) sharks. Conservation Physiology 4(1): cow36; doi 10.1093/conphys/cow036.
Callaghan, N, Tunnah, L, Currie, S and MacCormack, TJ. 2016. Metabolic adjustments to short-term diurnal temperature fluctuation in the rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 89(6): 498-510.
Tunnah, L., MacKellar, S.R.C ., Barnett, DA, MacCormack, TJ, Stehfest, KM, Morash, AJ Semmens, J.M. and Currie, S. 2016. Physiological responses to hypersalinity correspond to nursery ground usage in two inshore shark species ( Mustelus antarcticus & Galeorhinus galeus ). J. Exp. Biol . 219: 2028-2038. doi:10.1242/jeb.139964.
RP French , J Lyle, S Tracey, S Currie , JM Semmens. 2015. High survivorship after catch and release fishing suggests physiological resilience in the endothermic short-fin mako shark ( Isurus oxyrinchus ). Conserv. Physiol. 3: doi:10.1093/conphys/cov044.
MacLellan , RJ, Tunnah , L, Barnett, D, Wright, PA, MacCormack, TJ and Currie , S. 2015. Chaperone roles for TMAO and HSP70 during hyposmotic stress in the spiny dogfish shark ( Squalus acanthias ). J. Comp. Physiol. B . 7: 729-740. DOI 10.1007/s00360-015-0916-6.
Bessemer, R, Butler, K, Tunnah, L , Callaghan, N, Rundle, A, Currie, S, Dieni, C and MacCormack, TJ. 2014. Cardiorespiratory toxicity of environmentally relevant zinc oxide nanoparticles in the freshwater fish Catostomus commersonii . Nanotoxicology 9: 861-870. DOI: 10.3109/17435390.2014.982737.
Bennett, KA, MacMillan, IS, Hammill, M, Hall, AJ and Currie, S. 2014. HSP70 abundance and antioxidant capacity in feeding and fasting gray seal pups: suckling is associated with higher levels of key cellular defences and circulating HSP70. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 87(5): 663-676.
Templeman, NM , LeBlanc, S, Perry, SF.and Currie, S. 2014. Linking physiological and cellular responses to thermal stress: β-adrenergic blockade attenuates the heat shock response in fish. J Comp Physiol B 184: 719-728.
Kolhatkar, A , Robertson, CE , Thistle, ME, Gamperl, AK and Currie, S. 2014. Coordination of the chemical chaperone, trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), and the molecular chaperone, HSP70, with heat stress in elasmobranch red blood cells. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 87(5): 652-662.
Polymeropoulos ET, Plouffe D, LeBlanc S ., Elliott NG, Currie S , Frappell PB 2014. Growth hormone transgenesis and polyploidy increase metabolic rate, alter the cardiorespiratory response and influence HSP expression to acute hypoxia in Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) yolk-sac alevins. J. Exp. Biol. 217: 2268-2276.
Stitt, BC, Burness, G, Burgomaster, KL, Currie, S, McDermid, JL, Wilson, C.C. 2014. Intraspecific variation in thermal tolerance and acclimation capacity in brook trout ( Salvelinus fontinalis ): physiological implications for climate change. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 87: 15-29.
Currie, S and Schulte, PM 2014. Thermal stress In: Evans D., Claiborne, J.B., Currie S. Physiology of Fishes, 4 th Edition. Pp. 257-288.
Physiology of Fishes, 4 th Edition. 2014. Edited by: Evans, D., Clairborne, J.B., Currie, S. CRC Press, Boca Raton.