Prediploma Biochemistry, U Tübingen (D) 1984
Prediploma Chemistry, TU Munich (D) 1985
Diploma Chemistry, TU Munich (D) 1988
Dr. sc. nat ETH, ETH Zürich (CH) 1992
Habilitation, ETH Zürich (CH) 1998
Visiting scientist, U Auckland (NZ) 1988
Fellow of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (1982-1988)
Fellow im Verband der Chemischen Industrie (1989-1991)
Medaille der ETH 1992
Research Innovation Award 1999, Research Corporation
Buck-Whitney Medal 2003 of the ACS
Scientific American 50 Award 2003 for “Chemistry and Materials”
Laukien Prize 2006
2007 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology/Physical Chemistry/
Our research focuses on:
Development of Bio-NMR methods for structural genomics. Our group participates in the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG). High-throughput NMR structure determination is supported by the Center for Computational Research.
Structure determinations of biological macromolecules using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.
Development of NMR-based structural biology in supercooled water.
Investigation of cellular metabolism in support of biotechnology research.
NMR Instrumentation:
Primary User: Varian 600 and 750 MHz spectrometers (cryogenic probes)
Access to: 500 (nanoprobe), 500 (1H/ 19F/ 13C/ 15N/ 2H-probe), 400, 300 MHz spectrometers
"Atreya, H.S., Sathyamoorthy, B., Jaipuria, G., Beaumont, V., Varani, G., *Szyperski, T. (2012) GFT Projection NMR for Efficient (1)H/(13)C Sugar Spin System Identification in Nucleic Acids. J. Biomol. NMR 54:337-342. PMID:23192291 [PubMed in progress]
Manning, K.A., Sathyamoorthy, B., Eletsky, A., Szyperski, T., Murkin, A.S. (2012) Highly Precise Measurement of Kinetic Isotope Effects Using 1H-Detected 2D [13C,1H]-HSQC NMR Spectroscopy. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134:20589-20592. PMID:23215000
Sathyamoorthy, B., Singarapu, K.K., Garcia, A.E., *Szyperski, T. (2013) Protein Conformational Space Populated in Solution Probed with Aromatic Residual Dipolar (13)C-(1)H Couplings. ChemBioChem 14:684-688. PMID:23494854
Pulavarti, S.V., He, Y., Feldmann, E.A., Eletsky, A., Acton, T.B., Xiao, R., Everett, J.K., Montelione, G.T., Kennedy, M.A., *Szyperski, T. (2013) Solution NMR Structures Provide First Structural Coverage of the Large Protein Domain Family PF08369 and Complementary Structural Coverage of Dark Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase Complexes. J. Struct. Funct. Genomics 14: 119-126. PMID: 23963952
Pulavarti, S.V., Eletsky, A., Lee, H.W., Acton, T.B., Xiao, R., Everett, J.K., Prestegard, J.H., Montelione, G.T., *Szyperski, T. (2013) Solution NMR structure of CD1104D from Pathogenic Clostridium Difficile Reveals a Distinct a-Helical Architecture and Provides First Structural Representative of Protein Domain Family PF14203. J. Struct. Funct. Genomics 14: 155-160. PMID:24048810
Stark, J.L., Copeland, J.C., Eletsky, A., Somerville, G.A., Szyperski, T., Powers, R. (2014) Identification of Low-molecular-weight Compounds Inhibiting Growth of Corynebacteria: Potential Lead Compounds for Anitibiotics. ChemMedChem 9:282-285. PMID:2440305
Muppidi, A., Doi, K., Edwardraja, S., Pulavarti, S.V., Szyperski, T., Wang, H.G., Lin, Q. (2014) Targeted Delivery of Ubiquitin-conjugated BH3 Peptide-based Mcl-1 Inhibitors into Cancer Cells. Bioconj. Chem. 24:424-432. PMID:24410055
Pulavarti, S.V., Eletsky, A., Huang, Y.J., Acton, T.B., Xiao, R., Everett, J.K., Montelione, G.T., *Szyperski, T. (2014) Polypeptide Backbone, Cb and Methyl Group Resonance Assignments of the 24 kDa Plectin Repeat Domain 6 from Human Protein Plectin. J. Biomol. NMR Assign. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 24722902
Sathyamoorthy, B., Parish, D.M., Montelione, G.T., Xiao, R., *Szyperski, T. (2014) Spatially Selective Heteronuclear Multiple-quantum (HMQC) Spectroscopy for Bio-molecular Studies. ChemPhysChem [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:24789578
Liu, G., Poppe, L., Aoki, K., Yamane, H., Lewis, J., *Szyperski, T. (2014) High-quality NMR Structure of Human Anti-apoptotic Protein Domain Mcl-1(171-327) for Cancer Drug Design. PLoS One 9:e96521. PMID:24789074