Berzins L.L, Dawson R.D. (2016) Experimentally altered plumage brightness of female tree swallows: a test of the differential allocation hypothesis. Behaviour 153: in press.
O'Brien E.L., Dawson R.D. (2016) Life-history and phenotypic traits of insectivorous songbirds breeding on reclaimed mine lands reveal ecological constraints. Science of the Total Environment 553: 450-457.
Dawson R.D. (2015) Frequency of nest visits by non-resident hatch-year tree swallows. Blue Jay 73: 133-138. (PDF)
Fairhurst G.D., Berzins L.L., Bradley D.W., Romano A. Romano M., Scandolara C., Ambrosini R., Dawson R.D., Dunn P.O., Hobson K.A., Liechti F., Marchant T.A., Norris D.R., Rubolini D., Saino N., Whittingham L.A. Clark R.G. (2015) Assessing costs of carrying geolocators using feather corticosterone in two species of aerial insectivore. Royal Society Open Science 2: 150004. (PDF)
Wommack E.A., Dawson R.D., Shrimpton J.M., Bowie R.C.K. (2015) Changes in population size and genetic diversity of a raptor species occurring in the boreal forest of Saskatchewan. Conservation Genetics 16: 535-547. (PDF)
Winkler D.W., Ringelman K.M., Dunn P.O., Whittingham L., Hussell D.J.T., Clark R.G., Dawson R.D., Johnson L.S., Rose A., Austin S.H., Robinson W.D., Lombardo M.P., Thorpe P.A., Shutler D., Robertson R.J., Stager M., Leonard M., Horn A.G., Dickinson J.L., Ferretti V., Massoni V., Bulit F., Reboreda J.C., Liljesthröm M., Quiroga M., Rakhimberdiev E., Ardia D.R. (2014) Latitudinal variation in clutch size-lay date regressions in Tachycineta swallows: effects of food supply or demography? Ecography 37: 670-678. (PDF)
Fairhurst G.D., Dawson R.D., van Oort H., Bortolotti G.R. (2014) Synchronizing feather-based measures of corticosterone and carotenoid-dependent signals: what relationships do we expect? Oecologia 174: 689-698. (PDF)
Harriman V.B., Dawson R.D., Clark R.G., Fairhurst G.D., Bortolotti G.R. (2014) Effects of ectoparasites on seasonal variation in quality of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 87-96. (PDF)
Gómez J., Michelson C.I., Bradley D., Norris D.R. Berzins L.L., Dawson R.D., Clark R.G. (2014) Effects of geolocators on reproductive performance and annual return rates of a migratory songbird. Journal of Ornithology 155: 37-44. (PDF)
Dawson R.D. (2013) A journey of raptor research: commemorating the scientific contributions of Gary R. Bortolotti. Journal of Raptor Research 47: 89-95. (PDF)
Laughlin A.J., Taylor C.M., Bradley D.W., Clark R.G., Dawson R.D., Dunn P.O., Horn A., LeClair D., Leonard M., Sheldon D.R., Shutler D., Whittingham L., Winkler D.W., Norris D.R. (2013) Integrating information from geolocators, weather radar and citizen science to confirm a key stopover area during fall migration in an aerial insectivore. Auk 130: 230-239. (PDF)
Coady C.D., Dawson R.D. (2013) Subadult plumage of female tree swallows reduces conspecific aggression during the breeding season. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 125: 348-357. (PDF)
O'Brien E.L., Dawson R.D. (2013) Experimental dissociation of individual quality, food and timing of breeding effects on double brooding in a migratory songbird. Oecologia 172: 689-699. (PDF)
O'Brien E.L., Dawson R.D. (2013) Nestling sex predicts susceptibility to parasitism and influences parasite population size within avian broods. Journal of Avian Biology 43: 226-234. (PDF)
Shutler D., Hussell D.J.T, Norris D.R., Winkler D.W., Robertson R.J., Bonier F., Rendell W.B., Bélisle M., Clark R.G., Dawson R.D., Wheelwright N.T., Lombardo M.P, Thorpe P.A., Truan M.A, Walsh R., Leonard M.L., Horn A.G., Vleck C.M., Vleck D., Rose A.P., Whittingham L.A., Dunn P.O, Hobson K.A., Stanback M.T. (2012) Spatio-temporal patterns in North American nest box occupancy by tree swallows. Avian Conservation and Ecology 7: art3. (PDF)
Stiles D.J., Dawson R.D. (2011) Long distance natal dispersal in tree swallows: recaptures of birds with British Columbia origins in Alberta. Blue Jay 69: 157-160. (PDF)
Bortolotti L.E., Harriman V.B., Clark R.G., Dawson R.D. (2011) Can changes in provisioning by parent birds account for seasonally-declining patterns of offspring recruitment? Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 921-928. (PDF)
Greenwood J.L., Dawson R.D. (2011) Nest- and territory- scale predictors of nest-site selection, and reproductive investment and success in a northern population of American kestrels (Falco sparverius). Ecoscience 18: 145-156. (PDF)
Greenwood J.L., Dawson R.D. (2011) Correlates of deuterium (δd) enrichment in the feathers of adult American kestrels of known origin. Condor 113: 555-564. (PDF)
Dawson R.D., O'Brien E.L., Mlynowski T.J. (2011) The price of insulation: costs and benefits of feather delivery to nests for male tree swallows. Journal of Avian Biology 42: 93-102. (PDF)
Dawson R.D., Mossop D.H., Boukall B.A. (2011) Prey use and selection in relation to reproduction by peregrine falcons breeding along the Yukon River, Canada. Journal of Raptor Research 45: 27-37. (PDF)
Greenwood J.L., Dawson R.D. (2011) Risk of nest predation influences primary reproductive investment in American kestrels (Falco sparverius): an experimental test. Journal of Raptor Research 45: 15-26. (PDF)
O'Brien E.L., Dawson R.D. (2011) Plumage color and food availability affect male reproductive success in a socially monogamous bird. Behavioral Ecology 22: 66-72. (PDF)
Lambrechts M.M., Adriaensen F., Ardia D.R., Artemyev A.V., Atiénzar F., Banbura J., Barba E., Bouvier J.C., Camprodon J., Cooper C.B., Dawson R.D., Eens M., Eeva T., Faivre B., Garamszegi L.Z., Goodenough A.E., Gosler A.G., Grégoire A., Griffith S.C., Gustafsson L., Johnson L.S., Kania W., Keišs O., Llambias P.E., Mainwaring M.C., Mand R., Massa B., Mazgajski T.D., Møller A.P., Moreno J., Naef-Daenzer B., Nilsson J.-A., Norte A.C., Orell M., Otter K.A., Park C.R., Perrins C.M., Pinowski J., Porkert J., Potti J., Remes V., Richner H., Rytkönen S., Shiao M.-T., Silverin B., Slagsvold T., Smith H.G., Sorace A., Stenning M.J., Stewart I., Thompson C.F., Tryjanowski P., Török J., van Noordwijk A.J., Winkler D.W., Ziane N. (2010) The design of artificial nestboxes for the study of secondary hole-nesting birds: a review of methodological inconsistencies and potential biases. Acta Ornithologica 45: 1-26. (PDF)
Goddard A.D., Dawson R.D. (2009) Seasonal changes in habitat features influencing nest survival of sharp-tailed grouse in northeastern British Columbia, Canada. Ecoscience 16: 476-482. (PDF)