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M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University B.S., Pennsylvania State University



Interfacial Studies Monomolecular films dramatically alter gas-liquid interfacial physicochemical properties and processes. Gas exchange, wave dynamics and subsurface flow are altered by such surface films. The structure of monomolecular films are studied via surface tension, surface potential, and non-linear optical measurements. Molecular level structural information and thermodynamic information are combined to form models of molecular level structural changes which result in the macroscopic physical and chemical properties of the interface. The above measurements when combined with subsurface flow measurements, permit one to deduce the interfacial visco- elastic properties. Non-Linear Optics, Spectroscopy, and Surface Imaging Three-wave mixing processes such as reflected second harmonic generation and reflected sum frequency generation are being used as probes of interfacial structure. Two-dimensional imaging of the spectroscopic signatures allows one to instanteously determine surfactant surface distributions in the presence of surface waves or subsurface flow. In addition, degenerate and non-degenerate four-wave mixing processes are being used and developed as molecular probes. Optical Materials Composite materials are being explored as the basis for a new generation of non-linear optical materials. Such materials could, for example, be used in bistable optical devices, phase conjugate mirrors, or other optical devices. In Situ Laser Spectroscopy as Environmental Probes Three-wave mixing processes such as reflected second harmonic generation and reflected sum frequency generation are used as spectroscopic probes of surfactants on the surface of the ocean or other bodies of water. The effects of surfactants on the physicochemical processes at the sea-air interface are studied. Field experiments from ocean tower and ship platforms along with laboratory experiments are used to explore this important environmental interface.


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Liu, X.; Duncan, J. H.; Korenowski, G. M.; Kelly, J. S. "A Laboratory Study of Longitudinal Waves in Surfactant Films in a Water Wave Tank" J. Geophys. Res. C: Oceans 2007, 112. Vogel, M. J.; Hirsa, A. H.; Kelley, J. S.; Korenowski, G. M. "Simultaneous Measurement of Free-Surface Velocity and Surfactant Concentration Via a Common Laser Probe" Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2001, 72, 1502-1509. Sharma, P. R. S.; Zhou, P.; Frisch, H. L.; Van Wagenen, E. A.; Korenowski, G. M. "Characterization of a Side Chain Polymer for Second-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties" J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 1999, 37, 1245-1254. Winther, K. T.; Watson, E. B.; Korenowski, G. M. "Magmatic Sulfur Compounds and Sulfur Diffusion in Albite Melt at 1 Gpa and 1300-1500 Degrees C" Am. Mineral. 1998, 83, 1141-1151. Wagoner, G. A.; Persans, P. D.; Van Wagenen, E. A.; Korenowski, G. M. "Second-Harmonic Generation in Molybdenum Disulfide" J. Opt. Soc. Am. B: Opt. Phys. 1998, 15, 1017-1021. Carey, D. M.; Korenowski, G. M. "Measurement of the Raman Spectrum of Liquid Water" J. Chem. Phys. 1998, 108, 2669-2675. Hirsa, A.; Korenowski, G. M.; Logory, L. M.; Judd, C. D. "Velocity Field and Surfactant Concentration Measurement Techniques for Free-Surface Flows" Exp. Fluids 1997, 22, 239-248. Hirsa, A.; Korenowski, G. M.; Logory, L. M.; Judd, C. D. "Determination of Surface Viscosities by Surfactant Concentration and Velocity Field Measurements for an Insoluble Monolayer" Langmuir 1997, 13, 3813-3822. Barnoski, A. A.; Gaines, G. L.; Korenowski, G. M. "The Molecular Arrangement of a Vitamin-K1 Monolayer at the Air-Water-Interface" Colloids Surf., A 1995, 94, 59-65. Frysinger, G. S.; Barnoski, A. A.; Gaines, G. L.; Korenowski, G. M. "Molecular Arrangement of a Poly(Acrylonitrile-Co-4-Vinylpyridine) Monolayer on Water" Langmuir 1994, 10, 2277-2280. Korenowski, G. M.; Frysinger, G. S.; Asher, W. E. "Noninvasive Probing of the Ocean Surface Using Laser-Based Nonlinear-Optical Methods" Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens. 1993, 59, 363-369. Kitipichai, P.; Laperuta, R.; Korenowski, G. M.; Wnek, G. E. "Insitu Poling and Synthesis of Nlo Chromophore-Bearing Polyurethanes for 2nd-Harmonic Generation" J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 1993, 31, 1365-1375. Kim, J. S.; Plawsky, J. L.; Vanwagenen, E.; Korenowski, G. M. "Effect of Processing Parameters and Polymerization Behavior on the Nonlinear-Optical Response of Sol-Gel Materials" Chem. Mater. 1993, 5, 1118-1125.
