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工学博士,中国科学院半导体研究所 Ph. D., Institute of Semiconductor Materials, Chinese Academia of Science, China 曾经在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室材料部、澳大利亚新南威尔士大学光伏中心、新加坡南洋理工大学电气与电子工程学院光子实验室、德国波茨坦大学物理所、西安现代光学研究所进行过博士后、访学等研究工作。 Post-doc., Research fellow, Visiting scholar. Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA; ARC Photovoltaics Centre of Excellence, University of New South Wales, Austrila; School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Institute of physics, University of Potsdam, Germany. Professor, Shaanxi Normal University (2010 - )


1. 非晶/纳晶硅薄膜太阳电池陷光 Light trapping in a-Si/nc-Si thin film solar cells. 2. 硅异质结HIT电池 Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin film (HIT) Si Solar cell. 3. 氧化铜薄膜太阳电池研究 CuO thin film solar cell. 4. 新型光伏材料 New photovoltaic materials.


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1. Fabrication and Light Scattering Properties of Size Controlled Aluminum Surface Periodic Nanopits, Nanotechnol. Lett. 6 (2014) 470. 2. Effect of Ag Film Thickness on the Morphology and Light Scattering Properties of Ag Nanoparticles, Nanotechnol. Lett. 6 (2014) 392. 3. Topology and texture controlled ZnO thin film electrodeposition for superior solar cell efficiency, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 134(2015)54. 4. Generation and manipulation of higher order Fano resonances in plasmonic nanodisks with a built-in missing sectorial slice, Europhysics Letters (EPL), 104 (2013) 47009 5. Photovoltaic properties of the p-CuO/n-Si heterojunction prepared through reactive magnetron sputtering, Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (2012) 084507. 6. Preparation and thermoelectric properties of nc-Si:(Al2O3 + SiO2) composite film, Thin solid films, 519 (2011) 7750. 7. Preparation of high transmittance ZnO:Al film by pulsed filtered cathodic arc technology and rapid thermal annealing, Applied Surface Science, 257 (2011) 7019.
