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Ismagilov, Rustem F Professor Ethel Wilson Bowles and Robert Bowles Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Director of the Jacobs Institute for Molecular Engineering for Medicine 收藏 完善纠错
California Institute of Technology, Caltech    Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering


B.S., Higher Chemical College of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1994; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1998. Miles Professor, Caltech, 2011-13; Bowles Professor, 2013-; Director, Jacobs Institute, 2013-.


Global Health; Microbial communities and biophysics of the gut microbiome; Diagnostics and antimicrobial susceptibility testing; Microfluidics and single molecule and single cell analysis;   Complex Networks of reactions, cells and organisms

Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics; Chemistry; Chemical Engineering


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Shana O. Kelley, Chad A. Mirkin, David R. Walt, Rustem F. Ismagilov, Mehmet Toner, and Edward H. Sargent. "Advancing the speed, sensitivity and accuracy of biomolecular detection using multi-length-scale engineering." Nature Nanotechnology 2014 9:969-980. DOI: 0.1038/NNANO.2014.26. pdf (1,799 KB). Shencheng Ge, Weishan Liu, Travis Schlappi, and Rustem F. Ismagilov. "Digital, Ultrasensitive, End-Point Protein Measurements with Large Dynamic Range via Brownian Trapping with Drift" JACS 2014 136:14662-14665. DOI: 10.1021/ja507849b. pdf (2,182 KB) supplement (4,180KB). Joseph M. Pickard, Corinne F. Maurice, Melissa A. Kinnebrew, Michael C. Abt, Dominik Schenten, Tatyana V. Golovkina, Said R. Bogatyrev, Rustem F. Ismagilov, Eric G. Pamer, Peter J. Turnbaugh, and Alexander V. Chervonsky. "Rapid fucosylation of intestinal epithelium sustains host–commensal symbiosis in sickness." Nature. 2014 514:638–641. DOI: 10.1038/nature13823. pdf (5,236 KB) supplement (1,095 KB). Stefano Begolo, Dmitriy V. Zhukov, David A. Selck, Liang Li, and Rustem F. Ismagilov. "The Pumping Lid: investigating multi-material 3D Printing for Equipment-Free, Programmable Generation of Positive and Negative Pressures for Microfluidic Applications." Lab on a Chip. 2014 14(24):4616-4628. DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00910J, pdf (6,224 KB), supplement (844 KB). Liang Ma, Jungwoo Kim, Roland Hatzenpichler, Mikhail A. Karymov, Nathaniel Hubert, Ira M. Hanan, Eugene B. Chang, and Rustem F. Ismagilov. "Gene-targeted Microfluidic Cultivation Validated by Isolation of a Gut Bacterium Listed in Human Microbiome Project's Most Wanted taxa." PNAS 2014 111(27):9768-9773, pdf (1,330 KB), full text with SI (3,550 KB). Liang Ma, Sujit S. Datta, Mikhail A. Karymov, Qichao Pan, Stefano Begolo, Rustem F. Ismagilov. "Individually addressable arrays of replica microbial cultures enabled by splitting SlipChips." Integr. Biol. 2014 6(8):796-805, DOI: 10.1039/C4IB00109E. Daan Witters, Bing Sun, Stefano Begolo, Jesus Rodriguez-Manzano, Whitney Robles, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Digital Biology and Chemistry," Lab on a Chip 2014 14 (17): 3225-3232, DOI: 10.1039/C4LC00248B, pdf (3,300 KB) video s1 link, video s2 link. Bing Sun, Jesus Rodriguez-Manzano, David A. Selck, Eugenia Khorosheva, Mikhail A. Karymov and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Measuring Fate and Rate of Single-Molecule Competition of Amplification and Restriction Digestion, and Its Use for Rapid Genotyping Tested with Hepatitis C Viral RNA," Angewandte Chemie 2014 53(31):8088-8092, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201403035; pdf (1,200 KB) supporting information (872 KB). David A. Selck, Mikhail A. Karymov, Bing Sun, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Increased Robustness of Single-Molecule Counting with Microfluidics, Digital Isothermal Amplification, and a Mobile Phone versus Real-Time Kinetic Measurements," Analytical Chemistry 2013 85: 11129-11136, pdf (3,061 KB), supporting information (2,355 KB), video s1 link. Toan Huynh, Bing Sun, Liang Li, Kevin P. Nichols, Jay L. Koyner, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Chemical Analog-to-Digital Signal Conversion Based on Robust Threshold Chemistry and Its Evaluation in the Context of Microfluidics-Based Quantitative Assays," JACS 2013 135: 14775–14783, pdf (2,471 KB), supporting information (175 KB). Stefano Begolo, Feng Shen, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "A Microfluidic Device for Dry Sample Preservation in Remote Settings," Lab Chip 2013 13: 4331-4342, pdf (8,188 KB), supporting information (28,487 KB), movie S1, movie S2, movie S3. Alborz Mahdavi, Thomas H. Segall-Shapiro, Songzi Kou, Granton A. Jindal, Kevin G. Hoff, Shirley Liu, Mohsen Chitsaz, Rustem F. Ismagilov, Jonathan J. Silberg, and David A. Tirrell, "A Genetically Encoded AND Gate for Cell-Targeted Metabolic Labeling of Proteins," JACS 2013 135: 2979-2982, pdf (1,788 KB), supporting information (2,030 KB). Bing Sun, Feng Shen, Stephanie E. McCalla, Jason E. Kreutz, Mikhail A. Karymov, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Mechanistic Evaluation of the Pros and Cons of Digital RT-LAMP for HIV-1 Viral Load Quantification on a Microfluidic Device and Improved Efficiency via a Two-Step Digital Protocol," Analytical Chemistry 2013 85: 1540-1546, pdf (1,295 KB), supporting information (403 KB). Rebecca R. Pompano, Carol E. Platt, Mikhail A. Karymov, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Control of Initiation, Rate, and Routing of Spontaneous Capillary-Driven Flow of Liquid Droplets through Microfluidic Channels on SlipChip," Langmuir 2012 28: 1931-1941, pdf (3,230 KB), supporting information (1,224 KB), supporting movie 1 (670 KB), supporting movie 2 (391 KB), supporting movie 3 (1,260 KB) Feng Shen, Bing Sun, Jason E. Kreutz, Elena K. Davydova, Wenbin Du, Poluru L. Reddy, Loren J. Joseph, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Multiplexed Quantification of Nucleic Acids with Large Dynamic Range Using Multivolume Digital RT-PCR on a Rotational SlipChip Tested with HIV and Hepatitis C Viral Load," JACS 2011 133: 17705-17712, pdf (4,870 KB), supporting information (105 KB) Jason E. Kreutz, Todd Munson, Toan Huynh, Feng Shen, Wenbin Du, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Theoretical Design and Analysis of Multivolume Digital Assays with Wide Dynamic Range Validated Experimentally with Microfluidic Digital PCR," Analytical Chemistry 2011 83: 8158-8168, pdf (3,280 KB), supporting information (199 KB), software .zip (117 KB) Kevin P. Nichols, Rebecca R. Pompano, Liang Li, Artem V. Gelis, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Toward Mechanistic Understanding of Nuclear Reprocessing Chemistries by Quantifying Lanthanide Solvent Extraction Kinetics via Microfluidics with Constant Interfacial Area and Rapid Mixing," JACS 2011 133: 15721-15729, pdf (1,040 KB), supporting information (112 KB) Maryna I. Bodnarchuk, Liang Li, Alice Fok, Sigrid Nachtergaele, Rustem F. Ismagilov, Dmitri V. Talapin, "Three-Dimensional Nanocrystal Superlattices Grown in Nanoliter Microfluidic Plugs," JACS 2011 133: 8956-8960, pdf (2,777 KB), supporting information (9,335 KB), Movie (138,246 KB) Rebecca R. Pompano, Weishan Liu, Wenbin Du, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Microfluidics Using Spatially Defined Arrays of Droplets in One, Two, and Three Dimensions," Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry 2011 4:59-81, pdf (1,860 KB) Feng Shen, Elena K. Davydova, Wenbin Du, Jason E. Kreutz, Olaf Piepenburg, and Rustem F. Ismagilov, "Digital Isothermal Quantification of Nucleic Acids via Simultaneous Chemical Initiation of Recombinase Polymerase Amplification Reactions on SlipChip," Analytical Chemistry 2011 83:3533-3540, pdf (4,190 KB), supporting information (519 KB)
