Paul Walton obtained his PhD in 1990, followed by two years as a NATO postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. He joined the Department of Chemistry at York as a faculty member in 1993. Between 2004 and 2010 he was chair of department. He is the recipient of multiple awards which extend across the full range of his work, including: the Royal Society of Chemistry's Higher Education Teaching Award, the RSC's Joseph Chatt Award for outstanding multidisciplinary research, the IChemE's Global Award for energy research, and the Royal Society's inaugural Athena Prize for gender equality work (runner up). He has also been the editor of Dalton Transactions (2004-2008), chair of Heads of Chemistry UK, chair of the Royal Society of Chemistry's Diversity Committee and is one the RSC's 175 Faces of Chemistry. Paul is an internationally-known advocate of gender equality and lectures widely on the subject. He recently served on the Irish HEA's Expert Group on gender equality, the recommendations of which can be seen in the report, HEA Review of Gender Equality in Irish Higher Education Institutions.
Bioinorganic chemistry
Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenases (LPMOs) and the histidine brace
Structure and spectroscopy of an LPMO-substrate complex
New catalytic diversity in the galactose oxidase family
The molecular basis of polysaccharide cleavage by lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases K E H Frandsen, T J Simmons, P Dupree, J-C N Poulsen, G R Hemsworth, L Ciano, E M Johnston, M Tovborg, K S Johansen, P von Freiesleben, L Marmuse, S Fort, S Cottaz, H Driguez, B Henrissat, N Lenfant, F Tuna, A Baldansuren, G J Davies, L Lo Leggio, P H Walton, Nature Chem. Biol., 2016, 12, 298-303.
Structure-function characterization reveals new catalytic activity diversity in the galactose oxidase and glyoxal oxidase family D Lin, S Urresti, M Lafond, F Derikvand, E M Johnston, L Ciano, J-G Berrin, B Henrissat, P H Walton, G J Davies, H Brumer, Nature Commun., 2015, 6, doi:10.1038/ncomms10197.
Structure and boosting effect of a starch-active lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase L Lo Leggio, K S Johansen, T J Simmons, J-C N Poulsen, K E H Frandsen, G R Hemsworth, M A Stringer, P von Freiesleben, M Tovborg, K S Johansen, L De Maria, P V Harris, C-L Soong, P Dupree, T Tryfona, N Lenfant, B Henrissat, G J Davies, P H Walton, Nature Commun., 2015, 6, doi:10.1038/ncomms6961.
Discovery and characterization of a new family of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases. G Hemsworth, B Henrissat, G J Davies, P H Walton, Nature Chem. Biol., 2014, 10, 122-126.
Spectroscopic and computational insight into the activation of O2 by the mononuclear Cu center in polysaccharide monooxygenases. C H Kjaergaard, M F Qayyum, S D Wong, F Xu, G R Hemsworth, D J Walton, N A Young, G J Davies, P H Walton, K S Johansen, K O Hodgson, B Hedman, E I Solomon, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 2014, 111(24), 8797-8802.
Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases in biomass conversion G R Hemsworth, E M Johnston, G J Davies, P H Walton, Trends in Biotechnology, 2015, 747-761.
On the catalytic mechanisms of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases P H Walton, G J Davies, Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol., 2016, 195-207.