MChem Industrial Placements
The long term commercial success of a chemistry-based business will depend on it achieving sustainable competitive advantage over competitors in the global market place. Although advantage may be generated over a wide range of business areas, such as finance, marketing, supply chain, political influence and human resources, technology innovation is of major concern to the chemical industry.
I am interested in understanding the constantly changing forces, both internal and external, that impact on chemical companies. The strategic response of companies to such forces will provide a base from which objectives for research and development activities may be formulated.
My chemical and industry expertise is in petrochemicals, polymers, surfactants, fluorine and free-radical chemistry, and ceramic materials and processing.
High strength zirconia ceramics from green body preforms, in Ceramic Processing Science and Technology. Eds. H Hausner, G L Messing and S Hirano, Ceramic Trans, Amer Ceramic Soc, 1995, 51, 315.
Final Reports for European Commission Collaborative Research Projects: (a) Development of advanced ceramic springs, Brite-Euram II, 1996, Contract BRE2-CT92-0323 (b) The development of a new low cost route for making tough ceramics, Brite-Euram II , 1996, Contract BRE2-CT92-0352 (c) Proof of feasibility of composite plate technology for solid oxide fuel cells, Joule II, 1994, Contract JOU2-CT92-0202
Free-radical chemistry, part 4, Stereoelectronic effects in the additions of cyclic ethers to fluorinated alkenes. R D Chambers and B Grievson, J Chem Soc, Perkin Trans 1, 1985, 2215
A new route to perfluoroethers. R D Chambers and B Grievson, J Fluorine Chem, 1984, 25, 523