1981-1985 山东工业大学铸造专业 本科生
1985-1988 山东工业大学铸造专业 研究生
2003-2006 山东大学材料学 博士生
1988-1994 山东省农业机械研究所从事金属材料研究开发
1995-今 山东大学材料学院教师
2008年6月-2008年12月 美国田纳西大学访问学者
1. Analysis of the growth morphology of TiB and the microstructure refinement of the coatings fabricated on Ti-6Al-4V by laser boronizing CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 8(2008)700
2.Affect of laser processing parameters on the coating’s microstructure and quality SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS 14 (2007)885
3. Microstructures and wear properties of in situ formed composite coatings produced by laser alloying technique MATERIALS LETTERS 61(2007) 635
4. Study on the microstructure and wear resistance of the composite coatings fabricated on Ti-6Al-4V under different processing conditions APPLIED
SURFACE SCIENCE 253 (2006)1494
5. Growth model of TiC dendritic crystals produced by laser surface alloying technique MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B 20 (2006) 683
6. Microstructures of composite coatings fabricated on Ti-6Al-4V by laser alloying technique CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 6(2006) 1509
7. Crack-free wear resistance coatings produced on pure titanium and Ti-6Al-4V by laser nitriding SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS 12(2005) 741
8. Effect of RE oxides on the microstructure of the coatings fabricated on
titanium alloys by laser alloying SCRIPTA MATERIALIA 54 (2006) 847
9. Wear and oxidation resistance of composite coatings fabricated on Ti-6Al-4V by laser alloying with nitrogen and silicon JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS 38 (2005) 4217
10. Microstructures and wear properties of composite coatings produced by laser alloying of Ti-6Al-4V with graphite and silicon mixed powders MATERIALS
LETTERS 60 (2006)109
11. Recent developments in zirconia thermal barrier coatings SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS 12 (2005)369
12. Microstructures and wear properties of the composite coatings laser-fabricated on titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS 12 (2005)443
13. Laser surface alloying of pure titanium with TiN-B-Si-Ni mixed powders APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 250 (2005)223
14. Wear properties of alloyed layers produced by laser surface alloying of pure titanium with B4C and Ti mixed powders JOURNAL OF MATERIALS
SCIENCE 40 (2005)387
15. Surface modification of pure Ti by laser alloying with B and Ni mixed powders ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 7 (2005)629
16. Microstructure and wear properties of composite coatings produced by laser
cladding of Ti-6Al-4V with graphite and silicon mixed powders SURFACE
17. Wear and oxidation resistance coatings fabricated on Ti-6Al-4V by laser surface alloying technique SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS 12(2005)209
18. Analysis of growth mechanism of dendritic titanium carbides produced by laser alloying of pure titanium with graphite powder SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS 12(2005) 41
19. Laser surface modification of titanium alloys - A review SURFACE REVIEW AND LETTERS 12 (2005)123
20. Research progress on laser surface modification of titanium alloys APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 242 (2005)177