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教育背景 1991/4 - 1995/1,国防科学技术大学,应用物理,博士 1986/9 - 1988/1,中国科学技术大学,近代力学,硕士 1981/9 - 1986/7,中国科学技术大学,近代力学,学士 工作经历 2014年-至今:中南大学机电工程学院教授、博士生导师 微系统制造科学与工程系主任 2010-2014年:天水华天科技有限公司 总工程师 昆山西钛微电子科技有限公司 总经理 2006-2010年:新加坡联合科技(UTAC)科技研发部 资深经理 2004-2006年:Cookson Electronics Packaging Materials(新加坡) 资深科学家 2001-2004年:英飞凌科技亚太有限公司(Infineon) 一级高级工程师 1999-2001年:受日本文部省邀请在日本大阪府立大学任助理教授 1997-1999年:新加坡高等计算研究院(IHPC) 高级研究工程师 1995-1996年:中国科学技术大学博士后,九六年破格提升为副教授 1988-1991年:中国科学院/石油部渗流流体力学研究所 助理工程师


IC三维集成 微纳制造 微电子封装及可靠性


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秦飞,安彤,朱文辉,曹立强,可靠性物理与工程(译著),科学出版社,2013. W.H. Zhu*, M. Yoshida and S. Tanimura: “Tensile Fracture in Al acted by 300ps laser pulses” - Chapter 16 in Engineering Plasticity and Impact Dynamics - Proceedings of the International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact (ISPI 2001), Ed. L.C. Zhang, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2001, pp.279-294. Junhui Li*, Duo Wang, Ji’an Duan, Hu He, Yang Xia, and Wenhui Zhu, Structural Design and Control of a Small-MRF Damper Under 50 N Soft-Landing Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Vol. 11, No. 3, 612-619, 2015. Junhui Li*, Wei Wang, Yang Xia, Hu He, and Wenhui Zhu, The soft-landing features of a micro-magnetorheological fluid damper, Applied Physics Letters, Vol.106, 2015:014104. Li Junhui*, Xia Yang, Wang Wei, Wang Fuliang, Zhang Wei, Zhu Wenhui, Dipping Process Characteristics Based on Image Processing of Pictures Captured by High-speed Cameras, Nano-Micro Letters, 2015, 7(1):1-11. QIN Fei, XIA Guofeng, GAO Cha, AN Tong, ZHU Wenhui, Design of Experiment Methodology for Thermal Fatigue Reliability of Multi-row QFN Packages Based on Numerical Simulations, Journal of Mechanical Engineering(2014):50(18). Guofeng Xia, Fei Qin, Cha Gao, Tong An, Wenhui Zhu, Reliability Design of Multirow Quad Flat Nonlead Packages Based on Numerical Design of Experiment Method, ASME Journal of Electric Packaging, 2013, 135:0410071-0410076. T.C. Chai, X. Zhang, H.Y. Li, V.N. Sekhar, W.Y. Hnin, M.L. Thew, O.K. Kanvas, John Lau,W.H. Zhu, Impact of packaging design on reliability of large die Cu-Low-k (BDTM) Interconnect, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS, PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 2, NO. 5, MAY 2012. 夏国峰, 秦飞, 朱文辉, 马晓波, 高察, LQFP和eLQFP热机械可靠性的有限元分析, 半导体技术.2012.37(7):552-557. 秦飞, 王珺, 万里兮, 于大全, 朱文辉, TSV结构热机械可靠性研究综述, 半导体技术.2012.37(11):835-831. F.X.CHE, W.H. ZHU, EDITH POH, X.W.ZHANG, T.C. CHAI, X.R.ZHANG, Creep Properties of Sn-1.0Ag-0.5Cu Lead-Free Solder with Ni Doping, Journal of Electronic Materials 40.3 (Mar 2011): 344-354. F.X. Che, W.H. Zhu, Edith Poh, X.W. Zhang , X.R. Zhang, The study of mechanical properties of Sn–Ag–Cu lead-free solders with different Ag contents and Ni doping under different strain rates and temperatures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds507.1 (Sep 24, 2010): 215-224. F.X. Che, W.H. Zhu, X.W. Zhang, T.C. Chong, Reliability Evaluation for Copper/Low-k Structures Based on Experimental and Numerical Methods, IEEE Transactions on Device and Material Reliability (2008): 8(3), 455-463. W.H.Zhu*, Sharry Ang, S. L. Gan, Moisture effect on fracture strength of molding compounds (MCs) for electronic packaging in a wide temperature range, Journal of Materials Science(2005): 40(6), 1533-1537. T.Y. Lin, M. Pecht, Diganta Das, J. S. Pan, J. W. Chai, K. C. Toh, W. C. Tjiu, W.H. Zhu*, The Evaluation of Copper Migration during Die Attach Curing and Wire Bonding Process, IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies (2005): 28(2), 377-344. W.H. Zhu*, M.Yoshida, Spall strength of thin aluminum foils at ultra high strain rate, Journal of Materials Science Letters (2002): 21, 1569-1572. W.H. Zhu*, M. Yoshida, H. Tamura, K. Kondo, S. Tanimura, Multiple spalling of aluminum subjected to a pico-second stress pulse, Journal of Materials Science Letters (2001): 20(10), 961-963. W.H. Zhu*, M. Yoshida, H. Tamura, K. Kondo, S. Tanimura, Multiple spallation in aluminum induced by ultra-short stress pulses, Special issue of International Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2001): 117(3). S. Tanimura, K. Mimura, W.H. Zhu*, A dynamic constitutive equation and its experimental verification, Journal de Physique IV (2000): 10 (Pr9), 33-38. S. Tanimura, K. Mimura W.H. Zhu*, Practical constitutive models covering wide ranges of strain rates, strains and temperature, Key Engineering Materials (2000): 177-180, 189-200.
