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Identifying clinically relevant imprinted gDMRs sensitive to a transient loss of DNA methylation in human differentiated cells The Ulster Medical Journal Date: (2017) Exposure of bovine oocytes and embryos to elevated non-esterified fatty acid concentrations: integration of epigenetic and transcriptomic signatures in resultant blastocysts. BMC Genomics Date: (2016) Widespread recovery of methylation at gametic imprints in hypomethylated mouse stem cells following rescue with DNMT3A2 Epigenetics & Chromatin Date: (2016) Regulation of miR-200c and miR-141 by methylation in prostate cancer. Ulster Medical Journal Date: (2016) The role of miR-210 in Prostate Cancer tumour development Ulster Medical Journal Date: (2016) Widespread recovery of methylation at gametic imprints in hypomethylated cells following rescue with DNMT3A2 Date: (2016) The interplay between DNA methylation, folate and neurocognitive development Epigenomics Date: (2016) Regulation of miR-200c and miR-141 by methylation in prostate cancer The Prostate Date: (2016) miR-24 regulates CDKN1B/p27 expression in prostate cancer. The Prostate Date: (2016) miR-24 regulates p27 expression in prostate cancer Ulster Medical Journal Date: (2015)
