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Food and the consumer: could labelling be the answer? Proceedings of the Nutrition Society Date: (2015) Influence of nutrition labelling on food portion size consumption Appetite Date: (2013) Vitamins and minerals: issues associated with too low and too high population intakes Food and Nutrition Research Date: (2012) Increased portion size leads to a sustained increase in energy intake over 4d in normal-weight and overweight men and women BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION Date: (2009) Associations between the portion sizes of food groups consumed and measures of adiposity in the British National Diet and Nutrition Survey BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION Date: (2009) The Influence of Cognitive Cues on Food Portion Size Consumption OBESITY Date: (2008) The effects of inulin-type fructans on satiety and energy intake: human studies Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech Date: (2008) Homocysteine and related B-vitamin status in coeliac disease: Effects of gluten exclusion and histological recovery Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology Date: (2008) Effect of zinc supplementation on the immune status of healthy older individuals aged 55-70 years: The ZENITH study Journals of Gerontology Series A - Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Date: (2007) Effect of zinc supplementation on the immune status of healthy older individuals aged 55-70 years: The ZENITH study Journals of Gerontology Series A - Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Date: (2007)
