A three stage investigation into the balance of healthy versus less healthy food promotions among Northern Ireland Food Retailers: Summary ReportDate: (2016)
An evaluation of portion size estimation aids: precision, ease of use and likelihood of future usePublic Health NutritionDate: (2016)
Indices of adiposity as predictors of cardiometabolic risk and inflammation in young adultsJournal of Human Nutrition and DieteticsDate: (2016)
A three stage investigation into the balance of healthy versus less healthy food promotions among Northern Ireland Food RetailersDate: (2016)
Shift work – the effects on dietary and lifestyle behaviours and the role of the workplace environmentProceedings of the Nutrition SocietyDate: (2016)
Circadian disruption in shift workers – the effects of insufficient sleep on dietary and lifestyle behavioursProceedings of the Nutrition SocietyDate: (2016)
Effects of supplementation with a calcium-rich marine-derived multi-mineral supplement and short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides on serum lipids in postmenopausal womenBritish Journal of NutritionDate: (2016)
Effects of supplementation with a calcium-rich marine-derived multi-mineral supplement and short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides on serum lipids in postmenopausal womenThe British journal of nutritionDate: (2015)
Secular trends in reported portion size of food and beverages consumed by Irish adultsBritish Journal of NutritionDate: (2015)
Dietary and lifestyle habits and the associated health risks in shift workers.Nutrition research reviewsDate: (2015)