Doctor of Engineering (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Assistant Professor (Tokyo University of Science).
Materials Engineering (Glasses for Optical Devices)
In Shibata-Yano Laboratory we have carried out the fundamental researches on structure and properties of non-crystalline solids and development of functional devices from these materials about the following items.
Research Topics:
Spherical optical cavities for photonic application
Organic-inorganic hybrid optical waveguides
Metal nanoparticles for photonic application
Structural investigation of oxide glass melts by High-Temperature Raman spectroscopy
Fundamental research and application of Ion-exchange in glasses
Electrochemistry in Industrial glass melts
Optical devices made by nano ion-exchange method
Low environmental-load technology for glass production
Message from the LaboratoryEssential strategy of the laboratory is "Best work emerged from individual member's originality and the devotion to research". I recommend to the students "You should make your samples by yourself and estimate them by yourself, and then you can make highly original researches". Of course advancement of the research is one of the fruitful results, but I think that your growth through research experiences is highly important. (Shibata).
I hope that the students master the skills, techniques and views for understanding the materials, solving the problems and developing new concepts for science and technology through the researches in our laboratory. "What one likes, one will do well". Experiences bring you a lot of fun. (Yano)