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Electrochemistry. Corrosion Engineering/Fuel Cell

Our interests are in the fields of corrosion and electrochemistry. We have focused on mechanisms of anodic dissolution and passivation of metals and alloys, and corrosion mechanisms of metallic materials such as weathering steels, stainless steels and coated steels in marine atmospheres. The weathering steels are used without painting because protective rusts are formed on their surface. Recently, they are widely applied to bridges. Our group is developing a remote-controlled monitoring system of atmospheric corrosion of weathering steel bridges. The recent activities are focused on degradation of materials of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC). PEMFC is expected as an alternate energy conversion and efficient power source device due to its environmentally clean working condition. The key factor limiting the commercialization of PEFC is the durability of Pt catalysts and the reduction of cost. Our group is investigating the degradation mechanism of Pt and Pt alloys catalysts in PEMFC environments. Research Topics: Degradation of Pt Catalysts in Proton exchange membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) ORR and Dissolution of Pt Alloy Catalysts in PEMFCDegradation of Metal Separators in PEFC Corrosion of a High-level Nuclear Waste Container Environmental Degradation of Infrastructure Corrosion Monitoring by Electrochemical Impedance and Electrochemical Noise Development of a Remote-controlled Atmospheric Corrosion Monitoring System Localized Corrosion of Stainless Steels Fundamental Study for Development of Chromate Substitute Hydrogen Embrittlement of High-strength Steels


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In Situ Analysis of Scan Rate Effects on Pt Dissolution UnderPotential Cycling Using a Channel Flow Double Electrode. Z. Wang, Eiji Tada, Atsushi Nishikata,Electrocatalysis (2014) Effect of Cloride on Platinum Dissolution. B. R. Shrestha, E. Tada, A. Nishikata, Electrochim. Acta (2014) (Accepted) Selective Dissolution of Pt-Co Binary Alloys and Surface Enrichment of Platinum in Sulfuric Acid Solution. A. Ooi, Y. Hoshi, E. Tada, A. Nishikata, Mater. Trans. 55[8], p.1350-1355 (2014) Long-Term Monitoring of Atmospheric Corrosion at Weathering Steel Bridges by an Electrochemical Impedance Method. A. Nishikata, Q. Zhu, E. Tada, Corros. Sci. 87, p.80-87 (2014) In Situ Analysis of Chloride Effect on Platinum Dissolution by a Channel-Flow Multi-Electrode System. Z. Wang, Eiji Tada, Atsushi Nishikata, J. Electrochem. Soc. 161[9], p.F845-F849 (2014) In-Situ Monitoring of Platinum Dissolution under Potential Cycling by a Channel Flow Double Electrode. Z. Wang, E. Tada, A. Nishikata, J. Electrochem. Soc. 161[4], p. F380-F385 (2014) Improvement of Pitting Corrosion Resistance of Type 430 Stainless Steel by Electrochemical Treatments in a Concentrated Nitric Acid. S. Hastuty, E. Tada, A. Nishikata, Y. Tsutsumi, T. Hanawa, ISIJ, 54[1], p.199-205 (2014) nfluence of Corrosion of SS316L Bipolar Plate on PEFC Performance. A. Miyazawa, E. Tada, A. Nishikata. J. Power Sources, 231[1], p.226-233(2013) Applicability of a Channel Flow Double Electrode as a Quantitative Monitoring Method of Pt Dissolution under Potential Cycling. Z. Wang, E. Tada, A. Nishikata. ECS Trans. 58(1), p.1309-1320(2013) Influence of corrosion of SS316L bipolar plate on PEFC performance. A.Miyazawa,E.Tada,A.Nishikata. J.PowerSources, In printing, Vol231 P.226-233(2013) Electrical Properties of Bipolar Plate and Gas Diffusion Layer in PEFC. A. Miyazawa, T. Himeno, A. Nishikata. J. Power Sources, In printing, Vol220 P.199-204(2012) Effect of Potential Cycling on Dissolution of Equimolar Pt-M (M: Co, Ni, Fe) Alloys in Sulfuric Acid Solution. Y. Hoshi, E. Tada, A. Nishikata, T. Tsuru,. Electrochim Acta. 85, P.268-272(2012). Selective Dissolution of Binary Pt-Co Alloys with Different Chemical Compositions in Sulfuric Acid Solution,. Y. Hoshi, R. Ozawa, E. Tada, A. Nishikata, T. Tsuru,. Corros. Sci. 65, p.512-519(2012) Channel flow double electrode study on palladium dissolution during potential cycling in sulfuric acid solution. B. R. Shrestha, A. Nishikata, T. Tsuru,. Electrochim. Acta., 70[30], p.42-49(2012) Dissolution Mechanism of Platinum in Sulfuric Acid Solution. Y. Sugawara, T. Okayasu, A. P. Yadav, A. Nishikata, T. Tsuru,J. Electrochem. Soc. 159[11], p. F779-F786(2012). Effect of pH on the Dissolution and Surface Area Loss of Platinum under Potential Cycling. A.P. Yadav, T. Okayasu, Y. Sugawara, A. Nishikata, T. Tsuru,J. Electrochem. Soc. 159[4], p. C190-C194(2012) . Monitoring of Pitting Corrosion Initiation of Type 430 Stainless Steel under Drying Exposure in Chloride-Containing Environment,. S. Hastuty, A. Nishikata, T. Tsuru,ISIJ, 52[5], P.867-871(2012) Effect of Corrosion Product on the Electrochemical Behavior of Zn, Zn-Al and Al-Mg-Si Alloy Coated Steel. Hariyanti, G. A. EL-Mahdy, A. Nishikata, T. Tsuru,Electrochemistry, 80[4], p.218-221(2012) Effect of Scratching of Coating Surface on the Electrochemical Behavior of PVD Al-Mg-Si Coated Steel. Hariyanti, G. A. EL-Mahdy, A. Nishikata, T. Tsuru, Electrochemistry, 80[4], p.214-217(2012) Application of Channel Flow Double Electrode to the Study on Gold Dissolution during Potential Cycling in Sulfuric Acid Solution, B. R. Shrestha, A. Nishikata, T. Tsuru,J. Electroanal. Chem., 665[1], p.33-37(2012)
