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Val studied for her PhD in Dr Martin Evans' lab in Cambridge from 1987-1991 on ES cell genetic manipulation and transgenesis. She then joined Rosa Beddington's lab to work on postimplantation mouse embryos, first in the Centre for Genome Research, Edinburgh from 1991-1992 and then in the National Institute for Medical Research from 1992-1996, Mill Hill, London. During this time she investigated the role of T(brachyury) in mouse anteroposterior axial elongation, using chimeras created by combining mutant ES cell lines and wild type blastocysts. She moved to Edinburgh in 1996 to set up her own lab to try and understand more fully the mechanisms of axis elongation, first as an MRC Career Development Fellow in the Molecular Medicine Centre, then at the Institute for Stem Cell Research, and most recently in the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, after obtaining a university position.


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Somatic activating mutations in Pik3ca cause sporadic venous malformations in mice and humans.Castillo, Sandra D., Tzouanacou Elena, Zaw-Thin May, Berenjeno Inma M., Parker Victoria E. R., Chivite I?igo, Milà-Guasch Maria, Pearce Wayne, Solomon Isabelle, Angulo-Urarte Ana, et al. , Sci Transl Med, 2016 Mar 30, Volume 8, Issue 332, p.332ra43, (2016) Development of Early Embryonic Lineages. In Kaufman’s Atlas of Mouse Development Supplement. pp. 65–76. ElsevierLawson, K A., and Wilson Valerie , (2016) A Revised Staging of Mouse Development Before Organogenesis. In Kaufman’s Atlas of Mouse Development Supplement. pp. 51–64. ElsevierLawson, K A., and Wilson Valerie , (2016) Somatic activating mutations in Pik3ca cause sporadic venous malformations in mice and humansCastillo, S. D., Tzouanacou E., Zaw-Thin M., Berenjeno I. M., Parker V. E. R., Chivite I., Mila-Guasch M., Pearce W., Solomon I., Angulo-Urarte A., et al. , Science Translational Medicine, Jun-03-2018, Volume 8, Issue 332, p.332ra43 - 332ra43, (2016) Position-dependent plasticity of distinct progenitor types in the primitive streak.Wymeersch, Filip J., Huang Yali, Blin Guillaume, Cambray Noemí, Wilkie Ron, Wong Frederick Ck, and Wilson Valerie , Elife, 2016, Volume 5, (2016) Methods for Precisely Localized Transfer of Cells or DNA into Early Postimplantation Mouse Embryos.Huang, Yali, Wilkie Ron, and Wilson Valerie , J Vis Exp, 2015, Issue 106, (2015) Assessing the bipotency of in vitro-derived neuromesodermal progenitors.Tsakiridis, Anestis, and Wilson Valerie , F1000Res, 2015, Volume 4, p.100, (2015) Intrinsic factors and the embryonic environment influence the formation of extragonadal teratomas during gestation.Economou, Constantinos, Tsakiridis Anestis, Wymeersch Filip J., Gordon-Keylock Sabrina, Dewhurst Robert E., Fisher Dawn, Medvinsky Alexander, Smith Andrew J. H., and Wilson Valerie , BMC Dev Biol, 2015, Volume 15, Issue 1, p.35, (2015) In vitro generation of neuromesodermal progenitors reveals distinct roles for wnt signalling in the specification of spinal cord and paraxial mesoderm identity.Gouti, Mina, Tsakiridis Anestis, Wymeersch Filip J., Huang Yali, Kleinjung Jens, Wilson Valerie, and Briscoe James , PLoS Biol, 2014 Aug, Volume 12, Issue 8, p.e1001937, (2014) Distinct Wnt-driven primitive streak-like populations reflect in vivo lineage precursors.Tsakiridis, Anestis, Huang Yali, Blin Guillaume, Skylaki Stavroula, Wymeersch Filip J., Osorno Rodrigo, Economou Constantinos, Karagianni Eleni, Zhao Suling, Lowell Sally, et al. , Development, 2014 Mar, Volume 141, Issue 6, p.1209-21, (2014) Sequential effects of spadetail, one-eyed pinhead and no tail on midline convergence of nephric primordia during zebrafish embryogenesis.Huang, Chiu-Ju, Wilson Valerie, Pennings Sari, MacRae Calum A., and Mullins John J. , Dev Biol, 2013 Dec 15, Volume 384, Issue 2, p.290-300, (2013) The role of pluripotency gene regulatory network components in mediating transitions between pluripotent cell states.Festuccia, Nicola, Osorno Rodrigo, Wilson Valerie, and Chambers Ian , Curr Opin Genet Dev, 2013 Oct, Volume 23, Issue 5, p.504-11, (2013) In Vivo differentiation potential of epiblast stem cells revealed by chimeric embryo formation.Huang, Yali, Osorno Rodrigo, Tsakiridis Anestis, and Wilson Valerie , Cell Rep, 2012 Dec 27, Volume 2, Issue 6, p.1571-8, (2012) The developmental dismantling of pluripotency is reversed by ectopic Oct4 expression.Osorno, Rodrigo, Tsakiridis Anestis, Wong Frederick, Cambray Noemí, Economou Constantinos, Wilkie Ron, Blin Guillaume, Scotting Paul J., Chambers Ian, and Wilson Valerie , Development, 2012 Jul, Volume 139, Issue 13, p.2288-98, (2012) Creation of human-animal entities for translational stem cell research: Scientific explanation of issues that are often confusedLindvall, Olle, Kokaia Zaal, and Wilson Valerie , Translational Stem Cell Research: Issues Beyond the Debate on the Moral Status of the Human Embryo, Totowa, NJ, p.3 - 14, (2011) Cdx mutant axial progenitor cells are rescued by grafting to a wild type environment.Bialecka, Monika, Wilson Valerie, and Deschamps Jacqueline , Dev Biol, 2010 Nov 1, Volume 347, Issue 1, p.228-34, (2010)
