Tildesley, M. J., Gally, D. L., McNeilly, T. N., Low, J. C., Mahajan, A., and Savill, N. J., 2012. Insights into mucosal innate responses to Escherichia coli O157:H7 colonization of cattle by mathematical modeling of excretion dynamics. J. Roy. Soc. Interface 9, 518-527.
Atkins, K. E., Read, A. F., Savill, N. J., Renz, K. G., Walkden-Brown, S. W. and Woolhouse, M. E. J., 2011. Modelling Marek's diesase virus (MDV) infection: parameter estimates for mortaility rate and infectiousness. BMC Vet. Res. 7, Art. No. 70.
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Mitchell, K. M., Mutapi, F., Savill, N. J. and Woolhouse, M. E. J., 2011. Explaining observed infection and antibody age-profiles in populations with urogenital schistosomiasis. PLoS Comp. Biol. 7, Art. No. e10002237.
MacGregor, P., Savill, N. J., Hall, D., Matthews, K. R., 2011. Transmission Stages Dominate Trypanosome Within-Host Dynamics during Chronic Infections. Cell, Host & Microbe 9, 310-318.
Volkova, V. V., Bessell, P. R., Woolhouse, M. E. J. and Savill, N. J., 2011. Evaluation of risks of foot-and-mouth disease in Scotland to assist with decision making during the 2007 outbreak in the UK. Vet. Rec. 169, 124-127.
Singh, B. K., Savill, N. J., Ferguson, N. M., Robertson, C. and Woolhouse M. E. J., 2010. Rapid detection of pandemic influenza in the presence of seasonal influenza. BMC Public Health 10, 726-736.
Zhang, X. S., Chase-Topping, M. E., McKendrick, I. J., Savill, N. J. and Woolhouse, M. E. J. 2010. Spread of E. coli O157 infection among Scottish cattle farms: Stochastic models and model selection. Epidemics 2, 11-20.
Miller, M. R., Raberg, L., Read, A. F. and Savill, N. J. 2010. Quantitative analysis of immune response and erythropoiesis during rodent malaria infection, PLoS Comp. Biol, 6(9):e1000946.
Bessell, P. R., Shaw, D. J., Savill, N. J. and Woolhouse, M. E. J. 2010. Estimating risk factors for farm-level transmission of disease: Foot and mouth disease during the 2001 epidemic in Great Britain, Epidemics 2, 109-115.
Volkova, V. V., Howey, R., Savill, N. J. and Woolhouse, M. E. J. 2010. Potential for transmission of infections in networks of cattle farms, Epidemics 2, 116-122.
Volkova, V. V., Howey, R., Savill, N. J. and Woolhouse, M. E. J. 2010. Sheep movement networks and the transmission of infectious diseases, PloS ONE 5, e11185.
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Deardon, R., Brooks, S. P., Grenfell, B. T., Keeling, M. J., Tildesley, M. J., Savill, N. J., Shaw, D. J., Woolhouse, M. E. J., 2010, Inference for individual-level models of infectious diseases in large populations, Statistica Sinica, 20, 239-261.
Howey, R., Quan, M., Savill, N. J., Matthews, L., Soren, S. and Woolhouse, M. E. J., 2009, Effect if initial dose of foot-and-mouth disease virus on the early viral dynamics within pigs, J. Roy. Soc. Interface, 6, 835-847.
Savill, N. J., Chadwick, W. and Reece, S. R., 2009, Quantitative analysis of mechanisms that govern red blood cell age structure and dynamics during anaemia, PloS Comput. Biol, 5(6): e1000416.
Mideo, N., Barclay, V. C., Chan, B. H. K., Savill, N. J., Read, A. F. and Day, T., 2008, Understanding and predicting strain-specific patterns of pathogenesis in the rodent malaria Plasmodium chabaudi, Am. Nat, 172, E214-E238.
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Tildesley, M. J., Deardon, R., Savill, N. J., Bessell, P. R., Brooks, S. P., Woolhouse, M. E. J., Grenfell, B. T. and Keeling, M. J., 2008, Accuracy of models for the 2001 foot-and-mouth epidemic, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B, 275, 1459-1468.
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