2015-2019: NERC Independent Research Fellow
2011-2014: NERC Junior Research Fellow
2006-2010: PhD, Inferring population history from genealogies, University of Edinburgh
2005: BSc, Evolutionary Biology, University of St. Andrews
Jordan CY, Lohse K, Turner F, Thomson M, Gharbi K, Ennos RA. 2017. Maintaining their genetic distance; limited gene flow between widely hybridising species of Geum with contrasting mating systems. submitted
Beeravolu CR, Hickerson MJ, Frantz LAF, Lohse K. 2016. Approximate likelihood inference of complex population histories and recombination from multiple genomes, bioArXiv
Nuernberger B, Lohse K, Fijarczyk A, Szymura, JM, Blaxter M. 2016. Para-allopatry in hybridizing fire-bellied toads (Bombina bombina and B. variegata): inference from transcriptome-wide coalescence analyses, Evolution, 70 (8): 1803–1818
Lohse K, Chmelik M, Martin SH, Barton NH. 2016. Efficient strategies for calculating blockwise likelihoods under the coalescent, Genetics, 202 (2): 775-786
Lohse K, Ross L. 2015. What haplodiploids can teach us about hybridization and speciation, Molecular Ecology, 4 (20): 5075-5077
Bunnefeld L, Frantz LAF, Lohse K. 2015. Inferring Bottlenecks from Genome-Wide Samples of Short Sequence Blocks, Genetics, 201 (3): 1157-1169
Lohse K, Clarke M, Ritchie MG, Etges WJ. 2015. Genome-wide tests for introgression between cactophilic Drosophila implicate a role of inversions during speciation, Evolution, 69 (5): 1178–1190
Frantz LAF, Madsen O, Megens H-J, Groenen MAM, Lohse K. 2014. Testing models of speciation from genome sequences: divergence and asymmetric admixture in Island Southeast Asian Sus species during the Plio-Pleistocene climatic fluctuations, Molecular Ecology, 23(22): 5566–5574
Lohse K, Frantz LAF. 2014. Maximum likelihood evidence for Neandertal admixture in Eurasia from three genome. Genetics 196 (4): 1241-1251
Hearn J, Stone GN, Nicholls JA, Barton N, Lohse K. 2014. Likelihood-based inference of population history from low coverage de novo genome assemblies, Molecular Ecology, 23 (1): 198-211
Melika G, Tang C-T, Sinclair F, Yang M-M, Lohse K, Hearn J, Nicholls JA, Stone GN. 2013. A new genus of oak gallwasp, Cyclocynips Melika, Tang & Sinclair (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae, Cynipini), with descriptions of two new species from Taiwan, Zootaxa , 3630 (3): 534-548
Lohse K, Barton N, Melika G, Stone GN. 2012. A likelihood based comparison of population histories in a parasitoid guild, Molecular Ecology, 22(18): 4605-4617
Smith G, Lohse K, Etges WJ, Ritchie MG. 2012. Model-based comparisons of phylogeographic scenarios resolve the intraspecific divergence of cactophilic Drosophila mojavensis, Molecular Ecology, 21: 3293-3307
Stone* GN, Lohse* K, Nicholls JA, Sinclair F, Sch?nrogge K, Csóka G, Melika G, Nieves-Aldrey J-N, Pujade-Villar J, Tavakoli M, Askew RR, Hickerson* MJ. 2012. Reconstructing community assembly in time and space reveals enemy escape in a western Palearctic insect community, Current Biology, 22 (6), R182-183
Lohse K, Harrison R, Barton N. 2011. A general method for calculating likelihoods under the coalescent process, Genetics, 189 (3): 977-987
Lohse K, Sharanowski B, Blaxter M, Nicholls JA, Stone GN. 2011. Developing EPIC markers for chalcidoid Hymenoptera from EST and genomic data. Molecular Ecology Resources, 11, 521-529
Lohse K, Nicholls JA, Stone GN. 2011. Inferring the colonisation of a mountain range – nunatak survival in high alpine ground beetles. Molecular Ecology, 20: 394-408
Lohse K, Sharanowski B, Stone GN. 2010. Quantifying the Pleistocene history of the oak gall parasitoid Cecidostiba fungosa using twenty intron loci. Evolution, 64 (9): 2664-2681
Kaatinen R, Stone GN, Hearn J, Lohse K, Roslin T. 2010. Revealing secret liaisons: DNA bar-coding changes our understanding of food webs. Entomologial Ecology, 35 (5): 623-638
Lohse K. 2009. Can barcodes be used to delimit species? A response to Pons et al. (2006). Systematic Biology, 58 (4): 439-442
Lohse K, Kelleher J. 2009. Measuring the degree of starshape in genealogies – summary statistics and demographic inference. Genetics Research, 91: 281-292
Lohse K, Gutierrez A, Kaltz O. 2007. Experimental evolution of resistance in Paramecium caudatum against the bacterial parasite Holospora undulata. Evolution, 60 (6): 1177-1186