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Professor Faisel Khan obtained his PhD from the University of Dundee and completed postdoctoral training at the University of Boston Medical Centre, before returning to Dundee in 1993. He is currently Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences and Honorary Clinical Scientist with NHS Tayside. He has a multidisciplinary research programme with a major “bench to bedside” focus on translational research that bridges basic science and clinical medicine. A key focus of his research is aimed at understanding the underlying pathways involved in the early development and progression of cardiovascular disease with emphasis on the role of the endothelium and arterial stiffness. He is the National Delegate for UK for the International Union of Angiology and a Member of the Royal Society of Medicine, Council of Vascular Medicine and Member of the European Society of Vascular Medicine. He serves on the Editorial Boards for VASA, The European Journal of Vascular Medicine, International Angiology and Microcirculation, and is a Member of Chief Scientist Office’s Translational Clinical Studies Research Committee


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Barma M, Khan F, Price RJ, Donnan PT, Messow CM, Ford I, McConnachie A, Struthers AD, McMurdo ME, Witham MD. Association between GDF-15 levels and changes in vascular and physical function in older patients with hypertension. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 2016; Oct 12. [Epub ahead of print]. Weir-McCall J, Cassidy DB, Lambert M, Belch JJF, Gandy SJ, Littleford RC, Struthers AD, Houston G, Khan F. Atherosclerotic burden and cardiac remodelling in healthy South Asian and European adults: A cohort comparison study. British Journal of Radiology 2016; 89: 20160342. Gon?alves I, Edsfeldt A, Colhoun HM, Shore AC, Palombo C, Natali A, Fredrikson GN, Bj?rkbacka H, Wigren M, Bengtsson E, ?stling G, Aizawa K, Casanova F, Persson M, Gooding K, Strain D, Khan F, Looker HC, Adams F, Belch JJF, Pinnoli S, Venturi E, Kozakova M, Gan LM, Schnecke V, Nilsson J on behalf of the SUMMIT consortium. Association between renin and atherosclerotic burden in subjects with and without type 2 diabetes. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2016; 5; 16(1): 171. doi: 10.1186/s12872-016-0346-8. Fulton RL, McMurdo ME, Hill A, Abboud RJ, Arnold GP, Struthers AD, Khan F, Vermeer C, Knapen MH, Drummen NE, Witham MD. Effect of vitamin K on vascular health and physical function in older people with vascular disease--A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Nutrition and Health in Aging 2016; 20(3):325-33. Weir-McCall JR, White RD, Ramkumar PG, Gandy SJ, Khan F, Belch JJF, Struthers AD, Houston JG. Follow-up of atheroma burden with sequential whole body contrast enhanced MR angiography: A longitudinal cohort study. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 2016 32(5): 825-828. Ray S, Belch JJ, Craigie AM, Khan F, Kennedy G, Hill A, Barton KL, Dawe RS, Ibbotson S. Can antioxidant-rich blackcurrant juice drink consumption improve photoprotection against ultraviolet radiation? British Journal of Dermatology 2016; 174: 1101-1103. Zhou X, Xia C, Khan F, Corner GA, Huang Z, Hoskins PR. Investigation of ultrasound-measured flow rate and wall shear rate in wrist arteries using flow phantoms. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 2016; 42(3): 815-823. Fulton R, McMurdo M, Hill A, Abboud R, Arnold G, Struthers AD, Khan F, Vermeer C, Knapen M, Drummen N, Witham M. Effect of vitamin K on vascular health and physical function in older people with vascular disease - a randomised controlled trial. Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging. 2016; 20(3): 325-33. Beveridge LA, Struthers AD, Khan F, Jorde R, Scragg R, Macdonald HM, Alvarez JA, Boxer RS, Dalbeni A, Gepner AD, Isbel NM, Larsen T, Nagpal J, Petchey WG, Stricker H, Strobel F, Tangpricha V, Toxqui L, Vaquero MP, Wamberg L, Zittermann A, Witham MD; D-PRESSURE Collaboration. Effect of Vitamin D supplementation on blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis incorporating individual patient data. JAMA Internal Medicine 2015; 175(5): 745-754. Goncalves I, Bengtsson E, Colhoun HM, Shore AC, Palombo C, Natali A, Edsfeldt A, Dunér P, Fredrikson GN, Bj?rkbacka H, ?stling G, Aizawa K, Casanova F, Persson M, Gooding K, Strain D, Khan F, Looker HC, Adams F, Belch J, Pinnoli S, Venturi E, Kozakova M, Gan LM, Schnecke V, Nilsson J. Elevated plasma levels of MMP-12 are associated with atherosclerotic burden and symptomatic cardiovascular disease in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology; 2015. ATVBAHA.115.305631. [Epub ahead of print]. Shore A, Colhoun H, Natali A, Palombo C, ?stling G, Aizawa K, Kennb?ck C, Casanova F, Persson M, Gooding K, Gates P, Goncalves I, Khan F, Looker H, Adams F, Belch JJF, Pinnola S, Venturi E, Morizzo C, Nilsson J. Measures of atherosclerotic burden are associated with clinically manifest cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes: a European cross-sectional study. Journal of Internal Medicine 2015; 278(3): 291-302. Akbar N, Nanda S, Belch J, Cohen P and Khan F. An important role for A20-binding inhibitor of nuclear factor-kB-1 (ABIN1) in inflammation-mediated endothelial dysfunction: an in vivo study in ABIN1 (D485N) mice. Arthritis Research & Therapy. 2015;17(1):22 doi: 10.1186/s13075-015-0543-3. Witham MD, Adams F, McSwiggan S, Kennedy G, Kabir G, Belch JJF, Khan F. High-dose intermittent vitamin D3 supplementation does not improve markers of vascular function or symptoms in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome - a randomised controlled trial. Nutrition, Metabolism & Cardiovascular Diseases 2015; 25(3): 287-294. Akbar N, Sokolovski S, Dunaev A, Belch JJF, Rafailov E, Khan F. In-vivo non-invasive measurement of skin auto-flurorescence biomarkers relate to cardiovascular disease in mice. Journal of Microscopy 2014; 255: 42-48. George J, Khan F, Struthers AD. The source of BNP in rheumatoid arthritis. International Journal of Cardiology 2014; 174: 740. Weir-McCall JR, Khan F, Lambert MA, et al. Common carotid intima media thickness and ankle-brachial pressure index correlate with local but not global atheroma burden: a cross sectional study using whole body magnetic resonance angiography. PLoS One 2014; 16;9(6): e99190. Witham M, Kennedy G, Belch J, Hill A, Khan F. Association between vitamin D status and markers of vascular health in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME). International Journal of Cardiology 2014; 174(1): 139-140. Khan F, Ray S, Craigie AM, Kennedy G, Hill A, Barton KL, Broughton J, Belch JJ. Lowering of oxidative stress improves endothelial function in healthy subjects with habitually low intake of fruit and vegetables: A randomized controlled trial of antioxidant- and polyphenol-rich blackcurrant juice. Free Radical Medicine Biology 2014; 72: 232-237. George J, Mackle G, Manoharan A, Khan F, Struthers AD. High BNP levels in rheumatoid arthritis are related to inflammation but not to left ventricular abnormalities: a prospective case-control study. International Journal of Cardiology 2014; 172(1): e116-8.
