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I am a BBSRC Anniversary Future Leader Fellow (2015-2018) at the University of Aberdeen, where my lab investigates the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans. I joined the AFG in 2012 as a postdoc with Prof. Al Brown investigating the impact of the host microenvironment on Candida albicans pathogenesis and host-pathogen interactions. I earned my PhD in Genetics and Genomics of C. neoformans in 2012 from Duke University in the US with Dr. Andy Alspaugh. Prior to this, I studied the Molecular Biology of Infectious Dieseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Prof. Poly Roy) (MSc 2005). I graduated from Mount Holyoke College in 2004 with an AB in Chemistry. While there, I focused on protein structure and function with Prof. Sean Decatur.


Cryptococcus neoformans is a fungal pathogen that infects more than 1 million people each year and kills more than 600,00. It is found everywhere in our environment, since it grows in trees and pigeon guano, and most of people have been exposed to it by the time they're 5, simply by breathing. For most of us, infection with C. neoformans is quickly contained by our immune systems. However, in people with impaired immune systems, C. neoformans can spread to the brain and cause severe meningitis. My research investigates how C. neoformans is able to bud and grow in the human body.


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Ballou, E., Mol Avelar, G., Childers, DS., Mackie, J., Bain, JM., Wagener, J., Kastora, SL., Panea, MD., Hardison, SE., Walker, L., Erwig, LP., Munro, CA., Gow, NAR., Brown, GD., MacCallum, DM. & Brown, AJP. (2016). 'Lactate signalling regulates fungal β-glucan masking and immune evasion'. Nature Microbiology, vol 2, 16238. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1038/NMICROBIOL.2016.238 [LINK] HTTPS://EORDER.SHERIDAN.COM/3_0/APP/ORDERS/6371/ARTICLE.PHP Ballou, ER. & Wilson, D. (2016). 'The roles of zinc and copper sensing in fungal pathogenesis'. Current Opinion in Microbiology, vol 32, pp. 128-134. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1016/J.MIB.2016.05.013 [ONLINE] AURA: 1_S2.0_S1369527416300686_MAIN.PDF MacKie, J., Szabo, EK., Urgast, DS., Ballou, ER., Childers, DS., MacCallum, DM., Feldmann, J. & Brown, AJP. (2016). 'Host-Imposed Copper Poisoning Impacts Fungal Micronutrient Acquisition during Systemic Candida albicans Infections'. PLoS ONE, vol 11, no. 6, 0158683. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0158683 [ONLINE] AURA: 2016_JOANNA_COPPER_POISONING.PDF Childers, DS., Raziunaite, I., Mol Avelar, G., Mackie, J., Budge, S., Stead, D., Gow, NAR., Lenardon, MD., Ballou, ER., MacCallum, DM. & Brown, AJP. (2016). 'The Rewiring of Ubiquitination Targets in a Pathogenic Yeast Promotes Metabolic Flexibility, Host Colonization and Virulence'. PLoS Pathogens, vol 12, no. 4, 1005566, pp. 1-26. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PPAT.1005566 [ONLINE] AURA: JOURNAL.PPAT.1005566.PDF Bain, JM., Louw, J., Lewis, LE., Okai, B., Walls, CA., Ballou, ER., Walker, LA., Reid, D., Munro, CA., Brown, AJP., Brown, GD., Gow, NAR. & Erwig, LP. (2014). 'Candida albicans Hypha Formation and Mannan Masking of β-Glucan Inhibit Macrophage Phagosome Maturation'. mBio, vol 5, no. 6, e01874-14. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1128/MBIO.01874-14 [ONLINE] AURA: E01874_14.FULL.PDF Brown, AJP., Budge, S., Kaloriti, D., Tillmann, A., Jacobsen, MD., Yin, Z., Ene, IV., Bohovych, I., Sandai, D., Kastora, S., Potrykus, J., Ballou, ER., Childers, DS., Shahana, S. & Leach, MD. (2014). 'Stress adaptation in a pathogenic fungus'. Journal of Experimental Biology, vol 217, no. 1, pp. 144-155. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1242/JEB.088930 [ONLINE] AURA: 144.FULL.PDF Shahana, S., Childers, DS., Ballou, ER., Bohovych, I., Odds, FC., Gow, NAR. & Brown, AJP. (2014). 'New Clox Systems for rapid and efficient gene disruption in Candida albicans'. PloS one, vol 9, no. 6, e100390. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0100390 [ONLINE] AURA: JOURNAL.PONE.0100390.PDF
