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My research focuses on the application of molecular genetics and genomics to the ecology and conservation of endangered species. As molecular ecologists we use molecular data in elusive marine species to assist conservation management questions, particularly in top predators, the elasmobranchs. Yet the biology of long-lived and enigmatic ‘flagship’ species such as the Great white and basking shark is surprisingly poorly understood. We seek to comprehend how genetic diversity evolves in these small, highly vagile populations, the role that local adaptation plays and its consequence for conservation biology and management, along with the impacts of renewable energy facilities. We utilize methods such as DNA profiling (genetic tagging) through to next generation sequencing, integrating these data with seascape analyses (GIS) in an effort to provide comprehensive information for biodiversity management and conservation, such as implementation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Work has recently expanded to include the reproductive health of elasmobranchs, examining diversity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), containing some of the most polymorphic immune loci within the vertebrates, and parasite burden, as well as the impact of pollutants acting as endocrine disruptors (EDs). Additionally I seek to understand the invasive nature of several Arionid slugs, vectors of many plant diseases, which is of fundamental importance for national and international crop security. Similarly understanding the evolution of host-parasite interactions in several aquatic systems (including the medically important freshwater snail intermediate host of trematodes, Biomphalaria glabrata and the ectoparasitism in commercially important Atlantic salmon by sealice or the monogenean, Gyrodactylus salaris) is of fundamental importance.


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Ciezarek, AG., Dunning, LT., Jones, CS., Noble, LR., Humble, E., Stefanni, SS. & Savolainen, V. (2016). 'Substitutions in the Glycogenin-1 Gene Are Associated with the Evolution of Endothermy in Sharks and Tunas'. Genome biology and evolution, vol 8, no. 9, pp. 3011-3021. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1093/GBE/EVW211 [ONLINE] AURA: GENOME_BIOL_EVOL_2016_CIEZAREK_3011_21_1_.PDF Kaur, S., Baynes, A., Lockyer, AE., Routledge, EJ., Jones, CS., Noble, LR. & Jobling, S. (2016). 'Steroid Androgen Exposure during Development Has No Effect on Reproductive Physiology of Biomphalaria glabrata'. PLoS ONE, vol 11, no. 7, 0159852. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0159852 [ONLINE] AURA: ASSET.PDF Swift, DG., Dunning, LT., Igea, J., Brooks, EJ., Jones, CS., Noble, LR., Ciezarek, A., Humble, E. & Savolainen, V. (2016). 'Evidence of positive selection associated with placental loss in tiger sharks'. BMC Evolutionary Biology, vol 16, no. 1, 126. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1186/S12862-016-0696-Y [ONLINE] AURA: ART_3A10.1186_2FS12862_016_0696_Y.PDF Ball, RE., Serra-Pereira, B., Ellis, J., Genner, MJ., Iglesias, S., Johnson, AF., Jones, CS., Leslie, R., Lewis, J., Mariani, S., Menezes, G., Neat, F., Noble, LR., Sims, DW. & Griffiths, AM. (2016). 'Resolving taxonomic uncertainty in vulnerable elasmobranchs: are the Madeira skate (Raja maderensis) and the thornback ray (Raja clavata) distinct species?'. Conservation Genetics, vol 17, no. 3, pp. 565-576. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1007/S10592-015-0806-1 [ONLINE] AURA: ART_3A10.1007_2FS10592_015_0806_1.PDF Thorburn, J., Neat, F., Bailey, DM., Noble, LR. & Jones, CS. (2015). 'Winter residency and site association in the Critically Endangered North East Atlantic spurdog Squalus acanthias'. Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol 526, pp. 113-124. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.3354/MEPS11210 Kaur, S., Jobling, S., Jones, CS., Noble, LR., Routledge, EJ. & Lockyer, AE. (2015). 'The Nuclear Receptors of Biomphalaria glabrata and Lottia gigantea: Implications for Developing New Model Organisms'. PloS one, vol 10, no. 4, e0121259. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0121259 [ONLINE] AURA: FETCHOBJECT.PDF Gubili, C., Robinson, CEC., Cliff, G., Wintner, SP., de Sabata, E., De Innocentiis, S., Canese, S., Sims, DW., Martin, AP., Noble, LR. & Jones, CS. (2015). 'DNA from historical and trophy samples provides insights into white shark population origins and genetic diversity'. Endangered Species Research, vol 27, no. 3, pp. 233-241. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.3354/ESR00665 [ONLINE] AURA: DNA_SHARKS_N027P233.PDF Zahoor, Z., Lockyer, AE., Davies, AJ., Kirk, RS., Emery, AM., Rollinson, D., Jones, CS., Noble, LR. & Walker, AJ. (2014). 'Differences in the gene expression profiles of haemocytes from schistosome-susceptible and -resistant biomphalaria glabrata exposed to Schistosoma mansoni excretory-secretory products'. PloS one, vol 9, no. 3, e93215. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0093215 [ONLINE] AURA: DIFFERENCES_IN_THE_GENE_EXPRESSION_PROFILES.PDF Ball, RE., Jones, CS., Lynghammar, A., Noble, LR. & Griffiths, AM. (2013). 'The first confirmed cases of full albinism in rajid species'. Journal of Fish Biology, vol 82, no. 4, pp. 1433-1440. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.1111/JFB.12072 Lieber, L., Berrow, S., Johnston, E., Hall, G., Hall, J., Gubili, C., Sims, DW., Jones, CS. & Noble, LR. (2013). 'Mucus: Aiding elasmobranch conservation through non-invasive genetic sampling'. Endangered Species Research, vol 21, no. 3, pp. 215-222. DOI: [ONLINE] DOI: 10.3354/ESR00524
