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工作经历: 2006年1月厦门大学材料科学与工程系任教 进入福建省“新世纪优秀人才支持计划” 教育经历: 2004年9月-2005年9月:德国Freiberg工业大学实验物理研究所从事博士后研究工作 1999-2004:浙江大学材料与化学工程学院博士 1995-1999:南昌大学材料科学与工程学院学士




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1.Jin Xu, Nating Wang and Deren Yang, Influence of oxygen precipitation on copper precipitation in Czochralski silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, pp094907(1) - 094907(4), 2012 2.Jin Xu, Nating Wang and Weiqiang Wang, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of self-assembled Eu-doped ZnO hollow microspheres, Physica Status Solidi A, 208(12), pp2833-2838, 2011 3.吉川,徐进,点缺陷对硼掺杂直拉硅单晶P/P+外延片中铜沉淀的影响,物理学报,第61卷,第23期, pp236102(1) - 236102(5), 2012 4.张光超,徐进,直拉单晶硅中洁净区形成后铜沉淀行为的研究,物理学报,第62,第7期,pp076103(1) - 076103(6), 2013(此出版年、卷、期的信息为清样上注明日期) 5.Rong Wang, Jin Xu, Chao Chen, Luminescent characteristics of Sr2B2O5: Tb3+, Li+ green phosphor, Materials Letters, 68,pp307-309,2012 6.Jin Xu, Weiqiang Wang, Deren Yang and H. J. Moeller, Transmission electron microscopy investigation of the micro-defects in Czochralski silicon, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 478,pp758-762,2009 7.Lei Li, Yawen Zhong, Jian Li, Caikang Chen, Aijuan Zhang, Jin Xu and Zhi Ma, Thermally stable and solvent resistant honeycomb structured polystyrene films via photochemical cross-linking, Journal of Materials chemistry, 19, pp222-7227, 2009 8.王荣,徐进,陈朝,白光LED用荧光材料Sr3B2O6:Eu3+,Na+的制备及发光性能,发光学报,第32卷,第10期,pp983-987,2011 9.Jin Xu, Yongzhi Wang, Deren Yang and H. J. Moeller, Influence of nickel precipitation on the formation of denuded zone in Czochralski silicon, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 502,pp351-355,2010 10.王永志,徐进,王娜婷,吉川,张光超,铜沉淀对直拉硅单晶中洁净区形成的影响,物理学报,第61卷,第1期, pp016105(1) - 016105(8), 201211. 11.Jin Xu, Deren Yang, H.J.Moeller. Influence of copper precipitation on the formation of denuded zone in Czochralski silicon, Journal of Applied Physics, 2007, 102: 114506 12. 徐进, 李福龙,杨德仁. 直拉硅单晶中原生氧沉淀的透射电镜研究,Acta Phys.Sin (物理学报),2007,56(7):4113-4116 13. Jin XU, Xiangyang MA, Jinggang LU, Chunlong LI, Deren YANG. Extended defects in nitrogen-doped Czochralski silicon during diode process, Physica B, 2004, 348 : 226-230 14. 徐进,杨德仁,马向阳,李春龙,阙端麟,A.Misiuk. 高压热处理对氧沉淀低温形核的影响,半导体学报,2002,23(4) :394-398 15. 徐进,杨德仁,储佳,马向阳,阙端麟. 微氮直拉硅单晶中氧化诱生层错透射电镜研究,Acta Phys.Sin (物理学报), 2004, 53(2) :550-554 16. Jin XU, Deren YANG, Xiangyang MA, Xuegong YU, Chunlong LI; Duanlin QUE, A.Misiuk. Oxygen precipitation in Czochralski silicon annealed at 450°C under a high pressure of 1 GPa, Physica B, 2003, 327 : 60-64 17. Jin XU, Deren YANG, Chunlong LI, Xiangyang MA, Duanlin QUE, A.Misiuk. Transmission electron microscopy investigation of oxygen precipitation in Czochralski silicon annealed under high pressure, Material Science and Engineering B, 2003, 102 : 84-87 18. Jin XU, Deren YANG, Duanlin QUE, A.Misiuk. Investigation of thermal donors in Czochralski silicon annealed at 450°C under high pressure of 1 GPa, Physica B, 2003, 339 : 204-207 19. Jin XU, Deren YANG, Xiangyang MA, Duanlin QUE, A.Misiuk. Oxygen precipitation kinetics of Czochralski silicon preannealed under high pressure, Physica B, 2003, 340-342 : 1041-1045 20. Zhengqiang XI, Deren YANG, Jin XU, Yujie JI, Duanlin QUE, H.J.Moeller. Effect of intrinsic point defects on copper precipitation in large-diameter Czochralski silicon, Applied Physics Letters, 2003, 83(15) : 3048-3050
