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2007/09 -2010/06,青岛大学,化学科学与工程学院,博士,导师:宋国君 2003/09 -2006/06,山东大学,化学院,硕士,导师:冯圣玉 1999/09 -2003/06, 山东大学,化学院,学士




查看导师新发文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

1. Xiaoru Li, Yiqian Wang, Guojun Song, Zhi Peng, Peidong Li, Qing Lin, Ning Zhang, Zhifeng Wang, and Xiaofeng Duan. Fabrication of Patterned Polystyrene Nanotube Arrays in an Anodic Aluminum Oxide Template by Photolithography and the Multiwetting Mechanism. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2009, 113: 12227–12230. 2. Xiaoru Li*, Yiqian Wang, Guojun Song, Zhi Peng, Yongming Yu, Xilin She, Jin Sun, Jianjiang Li, Peidong Li, Zhifeng Wang , Xiaofeng Duan. Fabrication and Magnetic Properties of Ni/Cu Shell/Core Nanocable Arrays. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2010, 114: 6914-6916. 3. Xiaoru Li, Guojun Song, Zhi Peng, Xilin She, Jianjiang Li, Jin Sun, Di Zhou, Peidong Li, Zengjun Shao. Photolithographic Approaches for Fabricating Highly Ordered Nanopatterned Arrays. Nanoscale Research Letters 2008, 3: 521–523. 4. Xiaoru Li*, Yiqian Wang, Guojun Song, Zhi Peng, Yongming Yu, Xilin She, Jianjiang Li. Synthesis and Growth Mechanism of Ni Nanotubes and Nanowires. Nanoscale Research Letters 2009, 4: 1015–1020. 5. Xiaoru Li, Yiqian Wang, Guojun Song, Xilin She, Zhi Peng, Shulong Wang, and Jianjiang Li. Fabrication of Highly-Ordered Nanopatterned Copper Nanowire Arrays by Photolithography. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2010, 10: 4363-4367. 6. Xiaoru Li*, Peidong Li, Guojun Song, Zhi Peng, Shengyu Feng, Cuanjian Zhou. Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Ni/Fe Shell/Core Nanocable Arrays. Materials Letters 2014; 122: 58-61 (2014-05-01) 7. Xiaoru Li*, Ping Han, GuojunSong, ZhiPeng, YongmingYu, ShengyuFeng, Chuanjian Zhou, MeijingLi. Asembly of polyamide 6 nanotube arrays with ordered patterns and the crystallization behavior. Materials Letters 141 (2015) 157–160 8.Lei Shang, Xiaoru Li, Yiqian Wang. Application of high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy in the characterization of polymer nanotubes. e-polymers 2013, 8:1-8 9. Guojun Song, Xiaoru Li, Yiqian Wang, Zhi Peng, Yongming Yu, Peidong Li. Patterned procedure for template-synthesis and microstructural characterization of copper nanowires. Materials Characterization 2010, 61: 371-375. JCR1区 10. Guojun Song, Xiaoru Li*, Dong Pei Li, Zhi Peng, Xilin She, Jianjiang Li, Jin Sun. Assembly of one-dimensional polymer nanostructure arrays by photolithographic approaches. Jornal of Porous Materials 2012, 19:195-199. 11. Chunyan Cui, Xiaoru Li*, Jixian Liu, Yongchao Hou, Yuqing Zhao, Guocheng Zhong. Synthesis and Function of Ag2S Nanostructures. Nanoscale Research Letters 2015,10:431-451 12 Guojun Song, Hui Zhang, Jianjiang Li, Zhi Peng, Xiaoru Li, Lina Chen. Poly(viny-pyrrolidone) assisted hydrothermal synthesis of flower-like CdS nanorings. Polym. Bull 2012, 7(68): 2061-2069. 13. Li Meijing, Li Xiaoru*, Song Guojun, Feng Shengyu, Zhou Chuanjian. Fabrication and magnetic properties of one-dimensional ferromagnetic metallic nanotubes. 中国科技论文在线 2014 14. 李晓茹,宋国君,彭智,李培栋,佘希林,李建江,孙瑾.图案化金属铜纳米线阵列的制备与表征.功能材料,2009,12(40): 2068-2070. 15. 李晓茹,宋国君,彭智,孙瑾.一维纳米材料的研究进展.渤海大学学报,2012,3(33):277-280 16李晓茹,宋国君,于永明,彭智,杨超,李培栋.磁性金属纳米结构的制备与表征. 材料导报,2010,24: 95-97. 17 刘相红,李晓茹,宋国君,彭智, 刘曦,李培栋.溶液浸润模板法制备图案化ABS纳米管阵列.化工新型材料,2010,38(4): 43-45. 18 李培栋,李晓茹,宋国君,刘学军.紫外光刻法制备一维聚合物纳米管/线阵列的研究. 功能材料,2010,8(41):1350-1352. 19邵增军,彭智,宋国君,李晓茹,王树龙.恒流法制备图案化的阳极氧化铝模板.功能材料,2009,2(40):305-310. 20. 佘希林,刘曦,宋国君,李建江,李晓茹.纳米TiO2太阳能电池电极修饰研究进展.电子元件与材料,2010,29(1):65-69.
