I gained a BSc in Health Sciences: Complementary Therapies in 2001. As part of my course I specialised in Therapeutic Bodywork during my studies and was trained by Leon Chaitow in advanced soft tissue techniques. After graduating I continued my training, qualifying in myofascial Integration. As a bodyworking I specialise in restoring function. I also went on qualify as a Hakomi therapist, studying with Donna Martin and Ron Kurtz. Hakomi is a form of body centred psychotherapy that uses sophisticated applied mindfulness to help a person understand and transform habits and beliefs that do not serve them well. Having passion for human potential has led me to establish a number of projects across the University.
Most recently we have established the Westminster Centre for Resilience, which aims to transform stress and negative patterns into resilience using physiological and behavioural biometrics to enable individuals, teams and organisations to flourish. The Centre is a cross faculty initiative that brings together a multidisciplinary team to work with resilience in business, health and education. I am also currently undertaking a PhD in Reflective Narrative with Professor Chris Johns at the University of Bedfordshire.
I am currently involved in the Westminster Student Sense of Belonging project. This project has been exploring students sense of belonging across two schools at the university with a mixed methodological approach that uses questionnaires, focus groups and Biographical Narratives.