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Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN, March 4, 2011 Concentrations: Molecular Spectroscopy Dissertation: Solute–Solvent Intermolecular Interaction Studied by Hyper- Raman Spectroscopy M.Sc., Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN, March 2007 B.Sc., Chemistry, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JAPAN, March 2005 Awards: Best presentation Award at the Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science, Sapporo, Japan, September 2011. Poster Award at 2007 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, November 2007. Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2007-2009. Poster Award at Trombay Symposium on Radiation and Photochemistry (TSRP-2006) at Mumbai, India, January 2006.


Molecular Spectroscopy


查看导师最新文章 (温馨提示:请注意重名现象,建议点开原文通过作者单位确认)

R. Shimada, and H. Hamaguchi, "Molecular Near-field Antenna Effect in Resonance Hyper-Raman Scattering: Intermolecular Vibronic Intensity Borrowing of Solvent from Solute through Dipole-Dipole and Dipole-Quadrupole Interactions," The Journal of Chemical Physics, in press, 2014. K. Matsuzaki, R. Shimada, H. Hamaguchi, "Detection of solvent/buried TiO2 surface interactions by intermolecular Fano resonance in resonance hyper-Raman scattering", Langmuir, 29, 2471-2475, 2013. H. Miki, K. Yoshida, C. Kawate, R. Shimada, T. Takaya, K. Iwata, H. Hamaguchi, "Two-step photoionization of trans-stilbene in acetonitrile via an ion-pair precursor studied with picosecond time-resolved absorption and Raman spectroscopies," Chemical Physics Letters, 527, 27-30, 2012. K. Matsuzaki, R. Shimada, and H. Hamaguchi, "Superresolution vibrational imaging by simultaneous detection of Raman and Hyper-Raman scattering," Optics Letters, 36(13), 2545-2547, 2011. R. Shimada, and H. Hamaguchi, "Solute-solvent intermolecular vibronic coupling as manifested by the molecular near-field effect in resonance hyper-Raman scattering," The Journal of Chemical Physics, 134(3), 34516, 2011. R. Shimada, H. Kano, and H. Hamaguchi, "Intensity enhancement and selective detection of proximate solvent molecules by molecular near-field effect in resonance hyper-Raman scattering," The Journal of Chemical Physics, 129(2), 24505, 2008. R. Shimada, H. Kano and H. Hamaguchi, "Molecular near-field effect and intensity enhancement of solvent modes in resonance hyper-Raman scattering" Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 37(4), 469-471, 2006. R. Shimada, H. Kano and H. Hamaguchi, "Hyper-Raman microspectroscopy: a new approach to completing vibrational spectral and imaging information under a microscope" Optics Letters, 31(3), 320-322, 2006. R. Shimada, "Solute–solvent intermolecular interactions studied by hyper-Raman spectroscopy," Bunkou kenkyu (Japanese), 61, 35-43 (2012). H. Kano, Y.-S. Huang, Y. Naito, R. Shimada, H. Hamaguchi, "Linear and nonlinear Raman microspectroscopy: from a moelcule to single living cells," in Raman, infrared and near-infrared chemical imaging, Slobodan Šašić, Yukihiro Ozaki, Eds., John Wiley and Sons, pp 301-312, 2010. R. Shimada, H. Kano, K. Iwata, H. Hamaguchi, "Ultimate time- and space-resolved Raman spectroscopy," Kogaku (Japanese), 36(9), 498-507 (2007). H. Kano, R. Shimada, H. Hamaguchi, Vibrational imaging by nonlinear Raman microspectroscopy-From molecular crystals to single living cells," Oyo Buturi (Japanese), 75(6), 682-688 (2006).
