He graduated from Bath University in 1994 with a first class degree in Biochemistry following two successful placements at Glaxo Wellcome and Northeastern University, Boston. He then moved to Southampton, undertaking a PhD in Immunology and Immunochemistry in the Cancer Sciences Unit (CSU). Following his PhD, he was awarded a career track fellowship within the School of Medicine and subsequently obtained a prestigious fellowship with the Leukaemia Research Fund (now Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research/Bloodwise). This fellowship involved a period of study in the world-class laboratory of Andreas Strasser at the Walter and Eliza Hall institute in Melbourne. He returned to the UK in 2007, to establish his own research group within the CSU.
The research group is interested in two main areas - antibodies and small molecule inhibitors with the aim of understanding how these therapeutics function to delete tumour cells and how they might be augmented.
OX40: structure and function – what questions remain? - Willoughby, Jane, Griffiths, Jordana, Tews, Ivo and Cragg, Mark Published:2017Publication:Molecular ImmunologyVolume:83Page Range:13-22doi:10.1016/j.molimm.2017.01.006
Coupled proliferation and apoptosis maintain the rapid turnover of microglia in the adult brain - Askew, Katharine, Li, Kaizhen, Olmos Alonso, Adrian, Garcia-Moreno , Fernando, Liang, Yajie, Richardson, Philippa, Tipton, Thomas, Chapman, Mark, Riecken, Kristoffer, Beccari, Sol, Sierra, Amanda, Molnar, Zoltan, Cragg, Mark S., Garaschuk, Olga, Perry, Hugh and Gomez-Nicola, Diego Published:2017Publication:Cell ReportsVolume:18, (2)Page Range:391-405doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2016.12.041
Integrated cellular and plasma proteomics of contrasting B-cell cancers reveals common, unique and systemic signatures - Johnston, Harvey, Carter, Matthew, Cox, Kerry, Dunscombe, Melanie, Manousopoulou, Antigoni, Townsend, Paul, Garbis, Spiros and Cragg, Mark Published:2017Publication:Molecular & Cellular ProteomicsPage Range:1-39doi:10.1074/mcp.M116.063511PMID:28062796