Before moving to academia I worked as an occupational therapist in Dorset specialising in neurology and dementia care. I particularly enjoyed working with those with severe cognitive impairment and perceptual disorders and developed an interest in using sensory approaches to address these problems. I now teach at both under graduate and post graduate level with a focus on neurology, sensory and information processing and sensory approaches for people with cognitive impairment.
I hold a number of research grants exploring the use of sensory approaches with people with cognitive impairment and work in partnership with Sensory Integration Network UK & Ireland, members of the TAG European Consortium and alongside a number of UK based charities. I am committed to supporting and developing therapists for the future. I am a mentor for the National Institute for Health Research to support clinical academic careers, Occupational Therapists working in emerging areas of practice and supervise a number of occupational therapists and other clinical staff undertaking PhDs.
Research in to the effects of sensory processing on functional performance in people with severe cognitive deficit
Research into the effects of sensory processing on people working in extreme environments.
Strategic development and leadership in international enterprise and innovation within occupational therapy
Enhancement of the student learning experience through case based and guided discovery learning.
The Multisensory Environment (MSE) in dementia care: examining its role and quality from a user perspective - Collier, Lesley and Jakob, Anke Published:2016Publication:Health Environments Research & Design JournalPage Range:1-13doi:10.1177/1937586716683508
Editorial - Collier, Lesley and Pool, Jackie Published:2016Publication:The British Journal of Occupational TherapyVolume:79, (2)Page Range:63-64doi:10.1177/0308022615625427
Community stroke rehabilitation nursing and its relevance in Brunei: a literature review - Haji Ali, M, Koh Soo , Q and Collier, Lesley Published:2014Publication:Brunei Darussalam Journal of Health Volume:5, (1)Page Range:80-87
Controlled, parametric, individualised, 2-D and 3-D imaging measurements of aerosol deposition in the respiratory tract of healthy human subjects for model validation - Conway, Joy H., Fleming, John S., Marjoral, Caroline, Katz, Ira, Perchet, Diane, Peebles, Charles, Tossici-Bolt, Livia, Collier, Lesley, Caillibotte, Georges, Pichelin, Marine, Sauret-Jackson, Veronique, Martonen, Ted, Apiou-Sbirlea, Gabriela, Muellinger, Bernhard, Kroneberg, Philipp, Gleske, Juliane, Scheuch, Gerhard, Texereau, Joelle, Martin, Andrew, Montesantos, Spyridon and Bennett, Michael Published:2012Publication:Journal of Aerosol ScienceVolume:52Page Range:1-17doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2012.04.006