Julie is an instrumentation specialist in mass spectrometry. She obtained a BSc from Plymouth Polytechnic in 1989 and then worked for nine years as a research technician at the School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Cardiff University, supporting the Marine Sedimentology Group. This involved the physical and chemical analysis of sediments collected from a variety of locations, including the Mediterranean Sea, the Humber Estuary and Cardiff Bay. Whilst at Cardiff she successfully completed an MSc in Environmental and Engineering Geology. In 1998 she moved to the Mass Spectrometry Facility at Southampton to work alongside Dr John Langley during which time she has become an invaluable member of the analytical facility within chemistry and a mass spectrometrist recognised and respected throughout the national and international mass spectrometry community.
Julie is responsible for the operation and maintenance of 11 different mass spectrometry instruments and associated ancillary equipment. She trains and advises all hands-on mass spectrometry users and is responsible for supporting and developing the Chemistry open access mass spectrometry facility. She plays an important role in different aspects of Chemistry’s outreach activities, e.g. providing analytical capability for schools, other departments and industry, the latter under the umbrella of Southampton Chemistry Analytical Solutions. Work in this area ranges from routine QC for a local oligonucleotide synthesis company to bespoke compound analysis and small research projects. Clients range from SMEs, CROs, research groups, through to large pharmaceutical and petrochemical companies.
Julie represents the Characterisation and Analytics section on the Chemistry Equality and Diversity Team and is a member of the British Mass Spectrometry Society, the American Society of Mass Spectrometry and the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Julie’s research interests are focussed on the application and development of new chromatography and mass spectrometry methods (e.g. GC-MS, SFC-MS and UHPLC-MS) to support and advance research within Chemistry. She is an essential member of the Langley research group providing ideas, training and expertise.
Open Access UHPSFC/MS - an additional analytical resource for an academic mass spectrometry facility - Herniman, Julie M. and Langley, G. John Published:2016Publication:Rapid Communications in Mass SpectrometryVolume:30, (15)Page Range:1811-1817doi:10.1002/rcm.7660
Evaluation of ultrahigh-performance supercritical fluid chromatography–mass spectrometry as an alternative approach for the analysis of fatty acid methyl esters in aviation turbine fuel - Ratsameepakai, Waraporn, Herniman, Julie M., Jenkins, Tim J. and Langley, G. John Published:2015Publication:Energy & FuelsVolume:29, (4)Page Range:2485-2492doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.5b00103
Supramolecular gels for the remediation of reactive organophosphorus compounds - Hiscock, Jennifer R., Kirby, Isabelle L., Herniman, Julie, John Langley, G., Clark, Alistair J. and Gale, Philip A. Published:2014Publication:RSC AdvancesVolume:4, (85)Page Range:45517-45521doi:10.1039/c4ra07712a
Lipophilic balance – a new design principle for transmembrane anion carriers - Valkenier, Hennie, Haynes, Cally J.E., Herniman, Julie, Gale, Philip A. and Davis, Anthony P. Published:2014Publication:Chemical ScienceVolume:5, (3)Page Range:1128-1134doi:10.1039/c3sc52962b